🌹 The Mentoring Job (Pt. 3)

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    (Should I make a playlist for this book? If so, what songs should be in it?)


    The next day - like Grabbriel had promise - Gajeel, Hiro, John, and Johnny were all woken by the same woman who was leading them around town; Gabbriel. Said girl was skipping in front of them, a small smile on her face. Like always, her gloves were on - but today instead of a dress - she wore a red and black flannel, leggings with her curled hair up in a ponytail. 

    Though it was kinda chilly out - it had rained late last night and the gloomy clouds still hung low in the sky. 

        "I never thought you'd wear a flannel." Gajeel casually threw out. "I didn't even know you owned one."
        "I don't!" Gabbey chirped. "I stole it from some shop. But it's okay - no one saw me!"
    Gajeel sweatdropped, letting out a sigh. "I thought we were on the good side - or whatever."
        "There isn't any rules against stealing. . .I think." She shrugged before looked at the boys that followed her. "Enough of that, today is going to be a fun day!"
        "How so?" John rose an eyebrow. Gabbriel sent a sly smile towards the kids and Gajeel before turning back around. Hiro let out a laugh as he danced around there feet. "Wait, does Hiro even have powers?"
        "Yes, I can feel it from him. But he's only four - so it might be a while before he even is able to summon his power." Gajeel explained, gesturing to the smallest boy out - jumping into every puddle he could. "Alright, we I'm gonna take Johnny here and we're going to head to a shop. Can you handle Hiro and John?"

        "Of course," Gabbey scoffed. "I'm offended. I know how to watch kids."
        "Sure, whatever." Gajeel playfully shoved her away before guiding Johnny away from the trio. "Meet at the cafe by noon, alright? I don't want to hunt people down."

        "Got it!" Gabbey called back and turned towards the bluenette and black-hair child. "Lets out of, troops."
        "Yes ma'am!" The two kids chorused, saluting mockingly. 

    Two clothes stores and a pet shop later, the kids and Gabbey entered the candy shop. "Whoa. . ." The two boys breathed out, before Hiro let out a giggle. 
         "G-G! Can I go get some candy, G-G!!" He chanted. Smiling slightly at her nickname, Gabbriel nodded. 
         "Go ahead, get whatever you want." Hiro let out another giggle before running off down a random isle. "You going to get something?"
        "Can I?" John asked, looking at all the candies the small shop had to offer. 
        "Knock yourself out, kid. " She gestured towards the sweets. John let a grin appear before disappearing down another isle, leaving Gabbey to head towards the chocolate and suckers. Her red eyes lit up as she grabbed some cherry-flavored suckers and a box of chocolate cherries. 

    Red eyes flickered at the brand of cherries - her smile slowly dropping at the memory. 'What the hell are those?'
       'Chocolate covered-cherries! Come on, you'll love them, promise!'
       'If I die because of these. . .'
       'You won't! Regular cherries are better, anyways!'

        "Hm?" She jumped slightly, looking down at the two kids. "Yes?"

        "We're done candy-shopping." John pointed out the best he could. 
        "Alrighty then, lets checkout."

    After having a nice chat with the lady that worked there, the trio walked down the sidewalk. The sun was trying to peak out of the shadows, but it was still cloudy. 

        "So, tell me a bit more a out this town." Gabbey demanded gently, sucking on one of the many cherry suckers she had got. "It's not a big as Magnolia, but isn't that small either."
        "Well, I've only lived here for a couple years, but the town is very laid back. There are a few mages around - sometimes a small theft but nothing too bad. Better than what I was raised on. . ." John trailed off into silence.
        "How were you raised?" Gabbriel asked, guiding Hiro - who was happily munching on a candy cane - away from a puddle. When she didn't get an answer, she shrugged. "I can always ask Johnny -"

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