🌹 The Hurtful Truth

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Heart-gripping emotions seem to clench tightly around Gabbey's heart and neck. Her eyes burned with the need to cry, but she pushed the water works away. She needed to. 

Whatever Chai said was false, he was just messing with her head. Trying to throw her through a loop to distract her. 

Of course Akemi was her mate! Gabbey knew for a long time that they were mates! Ever since they've had their dinner date, Gabbey knew she was the one. 

But. . .

Gabbey couldn't help the small sliver of doubt to push through, as much as she cursed herself for doing so. 

Now that she was thinking about it, Gabbey could never remember actually taking Akemi to a real restaurant. They usually went on a picnic, or to the arcade, anywhere but the only fancy restaurant in Oak Town. 

Akemi stated before that she hated having one-on-one dates at restaurants, anyways. 

There was also the other person. . .

   "W. . .What did you say?"

   "Don't get all weepy-eyed on me, girl," The bastard that sat in the throne sighed. "I simply said, you really didn't believe Akemi was your real mate, did you?"

   "Why are you saying that!" Gabbey snapped tearfully. "You don't know anything about soulmates, or even if I have one!"

   "Now that's were you're wrong." Chai stated. "I know soulmates are everywhere, they're people who have been connected with your soul before you were even born! But, then, their are mates. The only lovers you get because your souls match so perfectly. Almost like a twin flame. . ."

   "You son-of-a-!" Gabbey went to pull herself forwards, about to give Chai a piece of her mind, before Akemi kicked her legs out, a small knife against Gabbey's neck. 

   "Careful now. I don't want to kill you now, but I will if I have to." 

If Gabbey could control anything fire related, she knew that stream would be rising off of her. Her body was shaken, with fear or anger, she didn't know. 

The metal floor was making her knees hurt, the red carpet that led up to Chai's throne did nothing to relieve the slight burn.  

   "If, and if, I were to believe you," Gabbey snarled. "Why would you need me to think I'm mates with. . .her."

   "Because of this." Chai waved his hands and a different pair of unfamiliar hands held in her place as Akemi relinquish her grasp. The dark-haired woman that held Gabbey's heart walked pass without a glance as she walked to Chai. 

As if making sure Gabbey could see, Akemi stopped besides the throne and dug around in her pockets. The gleam of the Infinity Elixir Stone in the dim light made Gabbey stop breathing, her breathe caught in her throat as Chai took the stone with unfiltered glee. 

   "You've been played since the day you left this city in ruins," Chai cackled. "It only took two years to rebuild the machine and one day to find where you hid the Stone!"

Gabbey's head dropped in defeat. 

   "When you said you made the bond, my daughter, I didn't know you meant you made it so strong that it continued on after death!" Chai regarded his daughter for only a second. "Well, it worked out in the end, anyways."

   "You're not going to get away with this," Gabbey seethed suddenly, her head whipped up to the deadman. "Fairy tail is going to come and destroy you, for good."

    "Fairy tail?" Chai grinned. "They'll be too busy fighting off my guild to even think about ruining my plan. Not that you will be around. We have our sacrifice, my workers!"

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