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*Adam's POV*

It's been about 2 hours since we boarded off the plane. We were finally in Montreal. It felt weird being in Canada. You know, when you've been living in the US for all your life. Anyways, we called a taxi and it still hasn't come. I was getting conserned so I called Mitch.

M: Heru?

A: Hey! Umm we called a taxi earlier and it still hasn't come. Do you think you can pick us up?

M: Yeah G! So where u at?

A: At the airport.

M: Alright! I'll be there soon! You two don't get any bright ideas when you're in the car.


M: I'm just kidding! K bai!

A: Bye!

I look at Ty to see he was laughing his ass off. Then I realized that the speaker on my phone was on. 'God damnit!' i thought. I was so close to giving Ty a tickle attack when Mitch came and honked his horn, signaling us that he was here. Ty looked at me with a smirk and said "First one there gets shotgun." I yelled "You're on!". We raced through the crowd, the luggages and others. And before I knew it I was there. "First place BABY!!!" I yelled. Ty soon caught up. "NO FAIR!! YOU TELEPORTED!!" he yelled. I was confused, I didn't have that power. Am I gaining new ones over time? I shook my head and went into the car. I offered shotgun to Ty since he wanted to.

~Skipping the car ride because I'm lazy~

We finally got to Jerome and Mitch's house. I nearly collapsed because I was so tired. Mitch asked a question about the race, well my new powers. "Why was Ty saying that you teleported in the race? I mean I saw you, it's just you've haven't had these powers until now." he asked. "Well, to be honest, I just discovered that I have powers. It started on the plane..." I explained everything, although it was like 1:00 am they really seemed to care. We all grew tired, Mitch guided us to our room. "You guys can share a room, if you know what I mean." he winked. I rolled my eyes and flopped on the bed. Ty flopped on it as well. I stared at him for a while, just gazing at his adouribleness. And that led to cuddling, which also led to kissing. Today was weird, yet satisfying. I just hope nothing weird happens at the party.

*Mitch's POV* (Btw pretty short)


My eyes fluttered to wake up next to sleeping beauty (Jerome). I looked at my phone to see what time it was. Once I saw the time, I immediately poked Jerome until he woke up.


"Hmmmm... I dun wanna wake up."

"Too bad... we have to get ready."

"Mmmmhmm... fiiiiine."

I got out of bed and got myself dressed. I ran to the kitchen so that I could start breakfast. Turns out that Adam was already awake and watching tv. It was so tempting to scare him shitless. So I took the chance to. I crept up to the couch, slowly, so he couldn't hear me. I was so close to scaring him. Then he noticed I was there and used telekinesis to pick me up and put me away about 3 feet. "Not this time Mitch!" he smirked. "Dammit! I forgot you had powers!" I yelled. I went to the kitchen to make pancakes and bacon. Bacon ahhhhhhh.

*Ty's POV*

I woke up to hear laughing. I quickly got out of bed and put my clothes on. I run down stairs and smell breakfast. 'Wow, I thought that we would just have cereal for breakfast. Huh, maybe I shouldn't underestimate Mitch and Jerome.' I thought.

I see everybody at the table, eating. They left some food for me, so that's a plus. I sat next to Adam and grabbed my food, quickly, so Mitch wouldn't take it before I did. Jerome finally says "About time you woke up! Were you dreaming about Adam?". I rolled my eyes and started laughing. "Hey I'm not the only one." I stared at him as I said the remark. He blushed and looked at Mitch. Mitch changes the subject and starts the plans for the party... and the... ugh.. theme. "So, the party was rescheduled to 8:00 pm to 12:00 pm. Also, me and Jerome thought about the theme this morning. Before you start yelling at us, there is a good reason for the theme. The. Theme. Is. Klüb Ice." He laughed. Adam freaked out. "WHYWOULDYOUDOTHISTOUS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" he yelled. "Wait wait wait. There are two good reasons for the theme." Mitch explained. "What are the reasons why?" I asked, politely. "First, Jason is going to be the DJ, he has a song already finished about Klüb Ice. And it's really awesome sauce! Second, this is REVENGE for Adam freaking me out with his telekinesis! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" he explained/yelled. I laughed and shook my head because of what Adam did. Why would he do it in the first place? I at the moment, I didn't care. I just kept on laughing and stuff. Ya, and stuff. Did I mention that I did stuff?(not like that you pervs)

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