Kiddnapped Again?

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*Seto's POV*

I went to a place nobody would suspect for Dawn to be. "What took you so long Seto?" she asked. "It was hard trying to know where she was in the first place, also she was with Adam's family, so I had to find the right time to get her." I exclaimed. I held Sarah bridal style in my arms. I felt bad for her, but if I didn't do this, Dawn would kill her, I couldn't let that happen. "Fair enough, you can go now." she said. "Um, I could keep watch over her if you desire." "Oh, well you may do so, but I'm going to need for you to get Audrey sooner or later." "O-ok, then I will." I said as she walked away. I wanted to protect Sarah, she started out with me and sometimes, I wish it would stay that way. Although I never treated her so, I wanted to start over, along with the others. But I wanted to start with Sarah, something about her is unique. Almost like she was here for something more. That's why I trained her, I been strict with her and I disciplined her, all for the same reason. She means something to here and I'm going to make it happen. Also, I consider Sarah as my daughter, I loved her like one. I wasn't going to let Dawn hurt her, if anything goes wrong I'm taking them both back, Sarah and Audrey.

*Adam's POV*

It's been a couple of hours. I'd better call Sarah. I took my phone out of my pocket and dialed her number. *ring ring* no response. I dialed it again, thinking she just didn't get it. No response. I ran away from Ty and my mom and dad, I ran and searched each store in the mall. She wasn't in any, I ran outside, called her name multiple times. The feeling of sadness and fear grew as I tried to find her. I wanted to scream, she was nowhere to be found. Ty soon caught up with me. "What's wrong...where's Sarah?" he asked. "That's the thing...she's gone." I said. I got out of his grasp and flew off, in rage. I bet it was fucking Dawn again. This time, I was going to kill her, I wanted to so bad. I couldn't just let her get away with this, I have to see Seto.

I went up to Seto's door, I pounded my fist on it. One of his kids walked up, "Oh, hey Adam! Um what's up?" he said. "Um is Seto here?" "No, it's weird, he should've been here by now.". I realized something, if Seto wasn't here then where was he? He would never leave them alone for a big amount of time. He would at least call a fricken babysitter. "Alec, is it? But can you let me inside right quick?" "N-no I'm sorry but Seto said-" "I need to go inside! It's for Sarah's sake!" "Seto has nothing to do with Sarah, now leave!" he yelled as he shut the door in my face. Dammit, Seto has to be doing something about it. I know it.

*Audrey's POV*

I was talking to one of my best friends from my school, I'm so glad that I met her. "So, tell me what happened in your dream Acid." Mandi said. "Um, are you sure? It's terrorizing, I mean for me." I said nervously. "Come on, its fine I can handle it." "Ok, but are you sure?" "YESH JUST TELL MEH!!!" She yelled. I explained everything. "Who's Dawn?" she asked. I rolled my eyes. "She may or may not be my mother..." "Oh, really?" "Yes....". We talked and talked about it, and she comforted me when I needed it. Suddenly, I heard a huge thud. I was the only one in the house at the time. I ended my call and tried to look who was there. I opened my door, slightly, just enough to see who was there. The lights were off other than my room, the curtains were closed, and I was afraid. I heard footsteps, getting closer and closer to my bedroom, I panicked and hid under my bed, hoping that the person wouldn't see me under there. The person looked into Mitch's room, which was next to mine. I'm glad that I didn't hide in there. Then my door flung open, the person or he was breathing heavily. I kept my breath quiet, so he wouldn't hear me. He checked my closet first, then he rummaged through all my stuff. I nearly yelled at him, but that would cost me my death. His steps were heavy, I don't want to be a bug under his shoe. He took a big sigh and walked out of my room, I shifted out from under my bed to get my phone. But before I got to it, I felt somebody grab my hood, pulling me away from my last hope. "I'm sorry" he whispered. Then everything went black.

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