Part 15 - Back to Normality

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Your POV - 2500 - The Forest Shrine

You have gathered why you are here again, and that is to speak to the Dumbledore Looking Chap. You look inside for him, and you find him in the inner courtyard. He is lying by the pond on a deck chair.

You: Sooooo, is there a specific reason I am here again, or just a visit?

Dumbledore Looking Chap: In a way.

You: How so; do you want to ask me something?

Dumbledore Looking Chap: Vice versa.

You: Questions for you? Errm, let me think. What does my future hold for me?

Dumbledore Looking Chap: In general or like tomorrow? Wait, or is it today? It doesn't matter. The point is I'm not a palm reader and I don't have a crystal ball. But if I had to make a guess, tomorrow you will hopefully return to normal life, but Tuesday might escalate beyond comprehension.

You: Could you exaggerate?

Dumbledore Looking Chap: I'm your mind, I'm as knowledgeable as you. So don't kid yourself with optimism, but have faith in what you do. Trust, but do not let your guard down.

You: Thanks, I guess. See you whenever.

Dumbledore Looking Chap: Toodles

Your POV - Monday - 0700 - Your Room

You wake up on the bed, with Akeno to your left and Rias to your right. To avoid waking them, you gently move the covers and go between the two of them. As you close the door silently, You see Issei in the corridor.

Issei: Go-

You: (Waves hands frantically) (Whispers) Quiet! Akeno is in there and still sleeping!

Issei: (Also whispers) Okay, but have you seen Rias?

You: (Whispers) I'll explain downstairs

You lead Issei downstairs, but you can't tell him the truth, because the girls made it clear how Issei cannot know about what they get up to in their 'free time'.

You: Basically, Rias had to go to a meeting early this morning for school, so she got ready earlier than us.

Issei: That makes sense.

You: Cool, now to get some breakfast. But what to have...

Issei: How about scrambled eggs?

You: That'll be great, but I need to check on Akeno.

Issei: No worries.

You head back upstairs and go into your room.

You: Rias! you need to get out that window and run to school!

Rias: Wha....?

You: I'll explain to you later and I'll bring you breakfast!

Rias: Ughhh, fine. But I'm going to take a portal after I get changed, and I'll want a favour when I get back.

You: Thank you, you can count on it. But I'm probably doing you a favour right now. Oh, and Akeno?

Akeno: Yes, darling?

You: It's time for school

She grunts and pulls the cover over her head.

You go downstairs and have breakfast with Issei, then finish getting ready.

Your POV - 0815 - Near the school gates

You, Issei, Akeno, Asia, Xenovia and Koneko are walking to school.

Captured Inferno - High School DxD Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now