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It was the day, Saturday the 21st of August.  A day that will forever be remembered in Arabella's mind.  The day before she and her mother went to eat lunch then went to go grocery shopping.  By the time they came back they were both exhausted and Arabella fell asleep alone in her bed.  She felt weird because she had her brothers sleeping next to her last night and now where the bad slept was just cold dead silent air. 

Arabella forced herself to open her eyes it was 6:28 am.  Her room was dark and cold and the only thing Arabella could hear was Eli breathing. She got up and stretched and opened the curtains.  In the distance and all around the sky was black but at the edge of the horizon Arabella could see brighter colors peaking out.  Every second brighter and brighter colors grew up into the sky until the sun was higher in the sky and the dark colors had faded and now the sun was higher in the sky shining down and everything seemed more beautiful.  Light streamed into her room, birds were singing, and everything was warm and bright.

"This is the start I need for a day like today"

Arabella walked away from the window leaving curtains wide open to warm the room.  She smiled when she saw her dress hanging from her door, it was stunning and the bright light made it even more spectacular. 

"Even if everything goes wrong, at least I have one thing to be happy about"

She walked into the hall, down the steps, and into the dinning room.

"Well look at that, is that a smile is see?" Arabella's mother said with a sweet smile.

"Good morning Mom!".

"Well, good morning! I am making pumpkin muffins for breakfast, I'll call you when they are ready,".

"My favorite!".

"And since its summer it makes me them even better! Oh, Arabella! I want you to go shower then iron your dress and then come down to eat.  The muffins should be just about done by then,".


Arabella first shower like her mother said and then ironed her dress.  Once she was finished getting all the wrinkles out, she went downstairs to eat.  Leo and Alex were in the kitchen at the marble island counter sitting on stools and Eli was playing on the floor of the living room. 

"Are the muffins ready yet?".

"I'm taking them out now!".


Arabella's mom takes the muffins out of the oven with oven mitts and sets the tray down on the stove to cool, or not.  Arabella, Leo, and Alex all rush over grab one and hurry all three passin their muffins back and forth in their palms and then onto the plate.  Instead of waiting for it to cool, Arabella rips off a steaming piece and shoves it into her mouth. 

All the flavors, the cinnamon, nutmeg, brown sugar, pumpkin spice.  Everything blends together and melts on Arabella's tongue. She doesn't even care that it's really hot because she is savoring the flavor until it's all gone. 

The muffins were finished in a total of 7 minutes.  All three of them couldn't help themselves and kept going back until in was all gone.  All three were stuffed and sat on the couch.

"Uh, uh, uh.  Not now.  Arabella you have to get ready! It's 8 o'clock! We have a lot to do! Leo, you have to feed Eli, change her diaper and watch her so she doesn't get into any trouble.  Alex, you help Leo so I can help Arabella get ready,".

Arabella's face felt hot, she had forgotten about getting ready after eat all those muffins. She stood up and walked into her room and sat on the edge of her bed.  Arabella's mom came in after her with the hair dryer and blow dried Ara's hair and brushed it out. 

"Go get dressed now so I can do the final touches with your hair,".

Arabella grabbed her dress and head towards the bathroom.  She stripped of her pajamas, which she had put back on after the shower, and slipped on her dress with the ribbons hanging down in the back.  Avoiding looking in the mirror she head back to the room.

"So, what do you think?" Arabella's mom asked her.

Arabella smiled," I didn't look in the mirror, I want to wait until I see the full outfit all together,".

"Okay, well I think you look stunning,".

"Can you tie the ribbons for me please,".

Her mom walked over and tied and small bow behind Arabella's neck. Then moved over to the bed, motioning for Arabella to come over too.  Arabella sat down once again as her mom brushed her hair over again and pinned some of her hair from the top back into a little pony tail in the back of her head and put a sparkly pin with jewels on it. 

"Finished! Now the make up!".

Arabella's mom quickly applied some blush, lipstick, mascara, and eye shadow. 

"Go put your shoes on!".

Arabella ran over to her closest bent down and picked up high heel black sandals and put them on.  She walked over to her mother smiling, her mother had tears i her eyes.

Voice cracking and tears running down her cheeks she said," You look amazing, whoever ends up with you is lucky to have you,".

Arabella smiled," Thanks, mom".

She walked down the stairs and into the living room where the boys and Eli were watching TV.

"So what do you think?"

The boys attention snapped right to her.

"Wow, you look amazing!" Alex exclaimed.

Leo just walked over gave her a huge embrace and whispered in her ear," You look beautiful, good luck!".

Leo kept hugging her and Alex and their mom joined in too but their group hug was soon cut short by the doorbell.  They all let go by surprise and Arabella was now feeling the heat.  She walked over to the door and stoped with her hand on the knob. Another ring and a knock this time.  Arabella couldn't hear it, everything slowed down these were the last seconds of her normal life and nothing would ever be the same. 

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