Part III (continued) - Stars

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It was still early and yet the sun shown brightly over the field. As Jacob watched, a soft breeze sent ripples across the golden sea before him. The wheat was nearly ready for harvest. This year's crop would bring a tidy sum indeed. Father would be pleased. It was Jacob who had turned and sown this crop, almost by himself. It had been his idea to plant wheat this year instead of the corn they had been growing for past several seasons. It had been quite a gamble; turning 30 acres over to "the boy" for his experiment.

Corn was a good commodity, but everyone in the valley was growing corn these days. Though it still commanded a decent price, you had to travel quite some distance to sell it. Wheat on the other hand was a rarity here. The mill had to import most of the small grains from settlements to the west. That caused the price to be quite high. This one field would bring in as much profit as all the rest of the farm combined.
Yes. Father would be pleased. Jacob had done well. He turned back and headed to the house. Breakfast would be ready soon. Jacob never missed breakfast.

"Jacob says that his wheat is nearly ready for harvest." Kari never raised her head as she spoke. She didn't take her eyes off her plate. "He says it will bring a good price at market."

"So, your young man is making a name for himself. I never would have thought it. He was always such a dreamer as a boy." Her father knew the statement had been clearly aimed in his direction. All of his oldest daughter's conversation these days seems to have been directed his way and the topic was generally how well Jacob was doing.

"The wheat was one his dreams father."

"Yes, of course." He wasn't going to be baited. "But, perhaps 'young men' is not a proper topic of conversation for a young girl on Prayer Day."

"Let's get this table cleared, Kari. We need to leave for Services soon." Kari's mother always seemed to know when to step in and change the subject.

Services were being held outdoors today. The sun was magnificent, the air still and warm. The day was simply glorious.

"The Father's mind cannot be known by mortal man, but it is clear that he has a plan." Elder Michelsen was in excellent form this morning. "He created us in his own likeness that we might be as happy as he in our lives. Why then, you ask, did he drive us from the Garden? I say to you this day: It was not the hand of the Father that drove Man from the Garden. Nay, it was the hand of Man himself that did the deed. It was Man in his selfish and sinful ways did destroy the Garden and bring it down about his head. It was Man who took the Sacred Knowledge from the Father and brought ruination into the land that had been set aside for him by the Almighty! It was Man who poisoned the Garden and squandered resources provided by the Father.

"It was the Father who, in His wisdom and generosity, saw that we had repented our ways and brought us to this land. It is the Father who sustains us; the Father who brings our crops to fruit; the Father who keeps the fishes in the Lake and deer in the Wood. It is the Father who raises the sun each day and the moon each night."

Kari's mind was drifting. She'd heard all of this before. Now she was dreaming of her wedding day. Surely Father could have no objections to Jacob now that his 'daydream' proved to be so profitable. The day would be simply splendid.

This sort of thing filled her mind though the rest of the Service. When Elder Michelsen was finished the congregation milled about for some time. After a short while people began to make their way back to their homes.

After the mid-day meal, Kari found some feeble excuse to walk into town and diligently made her way to Jacob's homestead. The young couple spent the afternoon walking out in the fields and making plans for their future. Jacob had a good head on his shoulders and his plans were sound. Kari's dreams, though of a more romantic nature, were in keeping with tradition and in all, sensible and prudent. The pair made a handsome couple and promised to be a favorable addition to the town.

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