Forever Yours

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Forever Yours

Chapter 1


I never did believe love was that amazing.

Well, you wouldn't either, with your parents getting a divorce, at least, I felt that way. And with my first and last boyfriend dumping me humiliatingly, I wasn't planning on looking for love. For now, I sat in the kitchen, listening to my soon-to-be divorced parents arguing. "That is not going to work one bit! You know damn well better!" "How can't you not see, Annette? I still will be paying for child support!" CHILD SUPPORT. Those words echoed in my head. Of course, being seventeen and all, I was planning on moving out as soon as I turned that big 'one eight'. "Not in front of the kid, Darek." THE KID? I was really starting to hate being called 'the kid'. "I'll leave." I whispered, getting up. They didn't seem to notice.

Quickly, I left out the front door, texting Kyle to meet me up at the old abandoned house. The door was always wide open. My walk began a pace, and then a full-out run. Tears fell down my cheek, ruining my eyeliner and mascara. I probably looked like a hostel survivor. I got there before Kyle, letting the tears rain down. It didn't matter if he saw, he was one of my best friends. "Hey, I'm here, what- What's wrong?" Kyle stopped to look at me, then came and put his arm around me, pulling me closer. "Ally?" "I hate life, I hate it!" I managed to choke out. He smiled sadly. "It does suck." "I want my parents back." I muttered. He didn't seem to know how to respond to that one. "Ally?" "Yea?" "You hungry?" he asked. "Kinda, why?" "Let's get some ice cream." I smiled. Our favorite ice cream spot was a town business called Joe's. "Sure." I said, managing to wipe my tears and smear my mascara all over my black sweater. "Damnit!" I muttered at my now ruined sweater. Whatever. We walked out the house, Kyle's arm still around me. I smiled, then it turned into a frown when I saw who was walking a few feet away.

Carson Jenks.

(Hope you liked the chapter, sorry it's not the best, but it'll become better)

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