a normal office convo

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Enjoy! And if u don't want to,
tf u doing here?

          C H A P T E R        O N E

"What the hell bader?!?" Yelled Khalid as he hit the table with his both hands which made bader jump.
Bader got up from his chair, rose to his feet and took a few steps towards Khalid who was furiously glancing at him. Unsurprisingly, caesar, who was laying at the couch and unknotting a ball of looped threads, didn't react. Didn't even flinch.
Caesar was that one weird guy that no one's ever got along with.
He said: he had that kind of mentality that no one could observe. At least that's what he believed in.
"Don't yell, Mr..
Only weak people act rude and tough in order to look strong. And scare others away.
While in reality, you, Mr. Khalid, wouldn't ever scare me.. Not in a thousand years."
Said bader as he gave Khalid a reassuring smile and turned around to face Caesar, who had already unknotted the whole thing and started creating more loops all over again.
He sat besides him, staring at his legs that were widely spread all over the couch. He seemed to be unpleased by how Caesar acted in front of elders and important people like Khalid and he, bader himself. Caesar was just so casual about it.
"Look, bader.. I don't know if I can trust you, but I just want to get whatever information you'd have about the killings. In fact, I'm absolutely sure that you aren't the right person to ask. But I just want as much information as I can get." Said khalid, hands on hips, as he stared at bader who was completely ignoring him.
"Ahem..??" Khalid cleared his throat. He furrowed, his eyebrows almost touching...
Raising both eyebrows, bader turned to face Khalid who was heavily breathing, his hands twitching on his sides, his eyes burning with furiousness and the wanting to punch bader just right in the face and snap his neck was obvious in the way he looked at him. You can definitely tell, he's barely maintaining himself.
"Why do you look like you're trying to burn a hole through me with your laser eyes? Huh?"
Exclaimed bader, tucking his shirt into his pants tightly as he gave Khalid a half smile and turned back to face Caesar who was rolling his eyes over bader's childish behavior.

Disclaimer: I already know, the first chapter lacks dialog and detail which is definitely not a good thing and I'm well aware of it.

Just wanted to say, I'm trying my best to make the story more interesting from the first line. And if u don't like it, here's what u should do:

Go kill yourself
Lol jk don't ik I'm not a good author.

I'm not even an author so excuse moi☺☺☺

(Btw ik the last part sounded like smth from a bed scene, but NO. It is not. It is just a normal office convo 😂)

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