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I'm so not willing to do this, bader thought to himself as he slid into some old slippers and headed to the kitchen to make himself a breakfast.
"Hold up, are these chocolate chip cookies that I Smell?" He exclaimed, his expression changed as soon as he found Caesar standing right in front of him, raising an eyebrow, his jaw set. He looked as if he was about to snap bader's neck and shove a knife through his throat, wrap his body in parchment paper and throw him to the street dogs to chew on him.
Bader frowned, his hands on his sides, tapping his foot impatiently.
He said nothing.
"Bader" Caesar finally spoke.
Bader did nothing but walked past him, cursing Caesar under his breath.
Caesar took a few steps backwards, still facing bader, who was trying not to make eye contact with him or even notice him. Caesar held out a hand as if to stop him.
Bader jerked his chin, still silent.
"Since when did you start behaving like that?" Caesar said, there was furiousness to his tone that bader could sense.
"What's with you? You knew there would be a meeting today, sharply at 10:00 am, and I've reminded you, almost more than 5 times, to get the fuck out of your bed at an early hour, so that we would be able to prepare for a proper meeting. but you-" his fists clenched.
"Yes, me!?" Bader yelled, as he raised his both hands in front of him defensively.
"Look caesar, you once asked me if I agreed on helping you solve this murder. and I told you that I wasn't sure. But you insisted on me, joining you in this non-ending loop of dramas. You forced me to, so simply I agreed. When we first--" he broke off, as the guy who'd been yelled at earlier by bader entered the room.
A devilish smirk on his face,
"Khalid?" Bader was shook. a slightly look of confusion was sensible on his face.
"How long have you been in here, I mean, when did you come?" He continued, rubbing the back of his hand against his cheek.
"Heh.." Khalid sighed as he stepped in the room, holding his right arm with his left hand.
"Took a while for you to recognize me, bader. Don't you think so?" He finished off. his smile fading,
"What brought you here?" Bader asked, despite the fact that he knew khalid was here for the meeting, as well as the others were.
"He joined us in our investigation group, last night." Surprisingly, it was Caesar who replied.
"Excuse me?", "when?" Bader was about to continue, when ahmed, who was obviously eavesdropping their conversation broke in.

Caesar we need you down, now!" He shouted.
"Were you eavesdropping?" Bader simply asked.
"I couldn't help but overheard your conversation" Ahmed winked, a look of realization came over his face as he realized that Caesar was already downstairs, yelling at him to come down.
"Oh right! sorry!" He ran off and stumbled at the first steps, making his way down to the first floor.
Bader and Khalid shared a silent look, as they both ran downstairs after Ahmed.
They were soon all gathered down stairs. non of them knew what was the matter, though.
"Soooo?" Khalid sighed.
All of the eyes were fixed on ahmed.
Ahmed started, he stood dull his hands shaking as he held them behind his back.
"It's abdullah el shaf3i", "H-he- he's back..."
Caesar's eyes darkened as he heard the words come out of Ahmed's mouth.
Ahmed continued,
"He tried to break in, we tried to keep him away for the longest time possible-"
"Bader, Khalid, both of you, climb upstairs and hide in a place where you can never be found. Now! Go!"
Caesar yelled, a terrific look on his face.
All of them seemed to be horrified by the fact that some of them had to hide.
"GO!" he yelled once more louder.
Bader hesitated, Khalid pulled him by his arm, dragging bader behind him. Bader half walking half tripping, followed Khalid into the library.
"Are you fucking kidding me? We could be ea-" bader stopped.
"shut fucking hell up!" Khalid hissed.
Where it is? Where is it? Where could it be? Last time it was definitely right here, Khalid shut his eyes closed, speaking to himself.
He traced a stone wall with his right hand, until his finger got stuck into a hole. He smiled in relief.
He took off his watch, detached the glass cover and took out a, blue gemstone kind of thing, that changed colors every time viewed from different angles.
Bader stood astonished.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2017 ⏰

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