True love

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They leave and go to the ocean and Reba takes off her ring while Nikki stands there watching her mother and goes up to her and put her hand on Reba's shoulder and Reba looks at Nikki and looks at the ring and takes a deep breath and throws the ring in the ocean
It's October 23rd the divorce is final Nikki lives with Reba and Dan lives with narvel
Susie and Jackie have been with Reba for 3 months
Reba- Susie you and mama can go home now I'm fine
Susie- are you sure cause I don't want you to do anything bad to yourself
Reba- you honestly think I would hurt myself in front of my child
Susie- no but I worry about you Reba
Jackie- Susie Reba has a point it's been 3 months since we've went home Reba needs room to breathe so let's go home so we can take care of the ranch
Susie- okay lets go
Jackie and Susie pack their bags and leave to go home while Reba goes into her bedroom and takes a nap
Nikki- mom where are you
Reba wakes up in a panic and runs to her daughters side
Reba- honey what hurts do you need to go to the hospital
Nikki- mom I'm fine I just wanted to tell you that I love you
Reba- oh I love you to sweetheart, so what's up
Nikki- mom I know you're probably gonna tell me it's to soon but since the CMA' s are coming I think you should go on the red carpet
Reba- but who will I go with I'm used to going with your father
Nikki- well I can go with you maybe you'll meet someone there and can finally be happy again
Reba- okay if you say so when are the CMA's
Nikki- tonight
Reba- then we better hurry up and get ready
Nikki and Reba rush up to her closet and Reba pulls out this black and white form fitting dress with her white stilettos and she curls her hair and does it perfect because she is gonna go on stage to present male vocalist of the year and she has butterflies cause she had heard that it was Luke Bryan which she had a huge crush on her and so she did her makeup and to the CMA's they go Reba and Nikki go to the red carpet and Reba sees that Luke is alone so she walks over to him and greets him
Reba- hey Luke
Luke- hey!! Reba how are you
Reba- I'm doing good how's the family
Luke- well me and Caroline got a divorce and so you know how it is
Reba- I'm divorced too
Nikki walks over  and poses with Reba for pictures
Luke- hi what's your name
Reba- Luke this is my daughter Nikki, Nikki this is Luke
Nikki and luke shake hands and Reba and Nikki walked inside and find their seats and Reba walks backstage to her dressing room and walks in to freshen up and when she turns around she finds Luke right there and he looks at Reba from head to toe Reba stood there and blushed
Luke- Reba you look amazing
Reba- thank you Luke
Producer- Reba your on in 5
Luke walks up to Reba and watches her every move Reba turns around and runs directly into him and he finally tells her
Luke- Reba I've liked you for a long long time actually liked is not the word that goes with how I feel but maybe this will show you how I feel
Luke kisses Reba with so much passion and right when luke kisses Reba she got weak in the knees and leaned more into the kiss to deepen the kiss and then the producer walks in
Producer- Reba your on
Reba breaks the kiss and leaves the room on cloud nine and goes on stage
Reba- hey y'all now I am here to present the male vocalist of the year award and I just want to say good luck to those of you who are nominated here are the nominees for male vocalist of the year
Shows nominations
Reba- and your winner is Luke Bryan
Luke walks up to Reba and whispers in her ear
Luke- babe you look amazing lets go out sometime
Reba-(Reba and luke walk off stage) where will we go
Luke- we are gonna go to a bonfire and then the rest will be a surprise
Reba- that sounds fun so when's all this gonna happen
Luke- well to get everything together Wednesday night
Reba- okay that gives me time to get ready and talk to my kids
Luke- I thought you only had Nikki
Reba- no I have twins but my son lives with his father who cheated on me with one of the girls that worked for me
Luke- oh wow well I'll see you Wednesday
Luke kisses Reba and walks away Reba went and found Nikki and they headed home
Nikki- why are you so happy
Reba- remember Luke Bryan
Nikki- yeah why
Reba- he asked me out on a date and he kissed me
Nikki- I am a genius
Reba- oh yeah and whys that
Nikki- because I helped you with your outfit
Reba- well that you did but are you okay with this
Nikki- of course I want my mother to be happy I'm tired of always seeing you sad around the house besides I have to go out and see dad for a couple of days so that'll give you and luke the house for a couple of weeks
Reba- well that's awful sweet of you darling
They arrive home Reba's phone was still on silent mode and so she went and listened to Luke's song that's my kind of night and took a shower got out got dressed and laid down in bed and then she noticed that she had a message from luke
Luke- Reba you looked so amazing tonight and I never realized that you were put through so much when it came to narvel and I'll tell you this much he's a fool for losing a beautiful, strong woman like you I hope one day that I will be able to call you mine I'll be counting down the hours till we meet again 😘😘❤️❤️
Reba broke down in tears because nobody had ever called her beautiful besides her ex-husband and her kids she went to sleep with a smile upon her face
Reba woke up and went and got ready and went downstairs to make breakfast for Nikki since she was leaving today and she had her date with luke Reba made eggs and potatoes and sausage Nikki had already packed she went downstairs and ate with her mama
Nikki- so tonight's the date huh
Reba- yup
Nikki- are you excited
Reba- yes but I'm gonna miss you
Nikki- mom its only gonna be two weeks okay I gotta go or I'm gonna miss my plane I love you
Reba- I love you too darling txt me when you get there okay
Nikki- okay
Reba hugged Nikki and stayed home to clean up so she could get ready for date with Luke
Reba texted luke
R- hey you why don't you come over a little early
L- hey I was just thinking about you and I'd like that
R- so is that a yes??
L- its a hell yeah I'll be over in a little bit
R- okay see ya then
Reba immediately ran up to her room and got a matching pair of underwear on and she got dressed and right as she finished getting ready there was a knock at the door and she ran downstairs and there he was
Luke- hey beautiful
Reba- hey sexy come on in
Luke- these are for you (he had a bouquet of roses)
Reba took the bouquet and put the roses in water luke immediately mad himself at home while Reba grabbed two glasses of wine for her and luke she turned off some of the lights and sat extremely close to luke and she said
Reba- can you help me with a something before we go out
Luke- sure what is it
Reba- this she strattled him and started kissing him till he broke the kiss for some air he then picked Reba up bridal style and took her to his truck and they went off to the bonfire and there was a lot of people were there more than Reba expected
Reba- um I thought it was only gonna be me and you
Luke- these people are all of my friends that are gonna watch the fire
Reba- ok just promise me something
Luke- and that is
Reba- you won't leave me alone
Luke- (leaned in) i promise
He leaned in making the kiss passionate and she leaned in making the kiss more passionate and his tongue went across her bottom lip and she gladly opened her mouth just as things were getting heated Luke's friend came and opened the door Reba readjusted herself and got out and sat on the tailgate of the truck and he sat there with his hand around her and she stood up in the tailgate and started dancing so luke stood at the tailgate of his truck and his friends got out first and he closed the tailgate on her and she was surprised and he got in and drove off while Reba felt the wind on her skin she felt like she was in her early 30s again and he had the radio on and he turned it on and she sang every single song till she got back in the truck he took her to the lake carried her bridal style and then fell backwards not knowing she can't swim she immediately started panicking and she got back on to dry land and she started freaking out on luke
Reba- luke are you crazy I can't swim I can't believe you would do something like that
Luke immediately cut her off by slamming his lips on hers and she melted into the kiss and he picked her up and carried her back to the truck and took her home once they arrived at Reba's house luke walked Reba in and they sat and talked for a while
Reba- you know I haven't had that much fun in for almost 25 years
Luke- really that's hard to believe that narvel wouldn't let you do anything unless he was with you
Reba- well that's the way he was and now I have something i want to tell you but you have to promise me you won't get scared
Luke- I promise
Reba- Thomas Luther Bryan I'm in love with you
Before Reba could say another word luke had her pinned up against the wall and wouldn't stop kissing her until she asked he carried her bridal style to her bedroom and laid her down while not breaking the kiss and he broke the kiss cause he was gonna pass out both out of breath they fall asleep in each others arms
~~~~~~~~~~~~next day~~~~~~~~~~~~
Reba woke up to the man of her dreams watching her sleep he kisses the top of her head
Luke- good morning sexy
Reba- good morning handsome
Luke- so what do you want to do today??

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