Cant help falling in love

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Reba- his name is Luke Bryan and he  loves me and I love him
Jackie- oh baby I'm so proud of you
Reba- okay mama I'm gonna let you go Jackie- okay baby I love you
Reba- I love you too mama bye
Luke's P.O.V
Couple of hours later luke woke up and started remembering what happened and got out of bed and got dressed and went to the jewelry store and bought a huge diamond ring for the love of his life luke was so afraid that she would reject him but he definitely needed to talk to Nikki and Dan before he proposed to Reba so he flew them back earlier than when they were gonna come home
Nikki- hey luke how are you
Luke- I'm good but I need to talk to you and your brother about your mother
Nikki- well before we do that luke this is my twin brother dan
Luke- nice to meet you I'm your mothers boyfriend Luke Bryan
Dan- it's very nice to meet you
Luke- lets go somewhere else so we can talk in private
Nikki- okay
They get into Luke's truck
Nikki- so what is it that you needed to talk to us about
Luke- well I was kinda hoping I could get your blessings so I can marry your mother before you start freaking out I have a little surprise for your mother
Dan- and what's that
Luke- the both of you going home
Nikki- but we're not suppose to come home for another week how did you manage to put this all together without her finding out?
Luke- well all she does is talk about how much she misses her babies
Dan- how long have you two been together
Luke- we've known each other for 25 years but we've been together for a couple of weeks
Nikki- don't you think it's a little to soon to be asking for her hand in marriage
Luke- well I'm not going to propose right away I have something planned out for the meantime but I need to know if this is okay with you guys cause it's not only about your mother it's about all of us together as a family
Nikki- well I want to see my mother happy so you have my blessing
Dan- I agree with Nikki mom deserves to be happy you also have my blessing but you have to promise me something
Luke- and that is
Dan- you'll make us older siblings and you will never treat my mother with disrespect
Luke- oh I have plans on making you guys older siblings but I will never disrespect your mother the way your father did
They arrive home and luke walks in
Luke- babe I'm home where are you (checking to see if the coast is clear)
Reba- I'm in the bedroom, why did you need something
Luke signals the kids to come In the house
Luke- babe get dressed and come down stairs i have a surprise guests here to see you
Reba immediately got dressed into her skinny jeans and a tank with a peach see through shirt and went downstairs Nikki and dan hid behind luke to where she couldn't see them
Reba- hey honey bun (she hugs luke and feels two sets of arms wrapped around her when she hugged luke)
Nikki- hi mama
Dan- hi mommy
Reba- oh my god my baby's are home thank you Jesus(Reba cheers in excitement) how did y'all get here
Dan- well luke made arrangements and talked to us and that's why we're here
Nikki- we're really happy for you mom
Reba- thank you baby
Dan- mom does he makes you happy 
Reba- he makes me happy he makes me feel like I'm worth something he definitely doesn't make me feel like I'm a waste of time
Nikki- mama your not a waste of time your worth more than you think
Reba- baby girl your dad made me feel that way that's why I got so close to you guys I am human and Luke makes me feel worth more than anything
Dan- well if he makes you happy I give both of you my blessing cause I know how important we are to you
Nikki- I agree 100% with Daniel if you guys make each other happy I give you my blessing also
Luke- Nikki and Dan can I talk to you please babe we'll be right back
Reba- I'll just go sit on the couch bring some snacks
Luke- okay babe
All three of them walk into the kitchen while Reba goes and sits on the couch
Luke- I feel like it's time to propose what do you guys think
Nikki- luke it's completely up to you we've already given you our blessings so when you feel in your heart it's time just go for it but we want to be there
Luke- grab some crackers and cheese for your mother and I'll make her some mint tea
Nikki- okay dan can you grab the crackers I can't reach
Dan- yeah I'll grab them
Nikki and dan take the snacks into the living room to find their mother working on a song
Reba- it wasn't when you walked out it wasn't when you said goodbye oh it wasn't when I tore your picture for the frame threw it in the fire and sent it up in flames I still felt the same oh but then tonight I met someone we went out and we had fun he made me laugh we danced all night and I didn't see your face cause I was looking in his eyes that's when I knew I was over you
Nikki- mama that was amazing
Dan- mom that song is for dad isn't it
Reba- yeah
Dan- mama I love it
Reba and her twins hugged and when luke came in he snuck up behind Reba and got on one knee Nikki and dan seen luke
Luke- Reba (Reba turned around and broke down into tears) will you make me the happiest man in earth and become Mrs. Luke Bryan
Reba- yes (Reba leaned down and kissed him
Luke- Nikki, Dan will you do me the honor and become my kids
Nikki and Dan were in shock they thought that he was just gonna propose to Reba but also asked for them to legally become his kids
Nikki- (in tears) yes I will become your daughter
Dan- yes I will gladly become your son
Nikki- mom I know we just got home but is it okay with you and Luke can we go stay with a friend so you guys have the house to yourselfs
Reba- it's okay with me is it okay with you luke
Luke- yeah it's fine with me
Both Nikki and Dan both went to go see their grandmother Gloria cause she lived the closest to Reba and welcomed her grandkids anytime
Nikki's P.O.V
Well at least we get to go spend time with grandma and see how they are but one thing is for sure I have to talk to mom about dad and dad about mom but first thing is first I'm gonna relax and spend time with my granny I wonder how dad is gonna take it that mom is engaged

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