Chapter 2

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I spot her smiling at me... I smiled back.

I've never seen this girl before. The college I go to is too small I would recognize her if she went to our school unless she's new. I really want to talk to her and at least know her name. "Isabella. Look at this girl sitting over there she's really pretty right?" I whispered to her.

"Yes she really is. You should go talk to her." Isabella says.

"That's gay." I say and she laughs.

"THAT'S BECAUSE YOU ARE GAY!" She says then I looked at her questionably. "Duh, I already knew that." She says and my face turn so red.

"Still, no. I'll see if I ever see her in school and I'll THINK about talking to her." I say and I smile.


UGH. I hate waking up early to school especially that I spent last night partying and I didn't come home till 2am. I get up to go to the bathroom, brush my teeth and head to the closet to find something good to wear because I MIGHT see the girl from yesterday. I bet she won't even recognize me. I get the keys to my car and head out. On the way to School, I like to listen to The 1975. I KNOW... so old fashion. When I got to School, the first person I see is Anna. It's really weird that Anna and Natalia are not together in the same place because I rarely ever saw them apart, so I figured there's something wrong. I make my way to Anna and I try to make a conversation with her to make sure everything is alright. "Hey Anna!" I say.

"Hey Tana." She says with the saddest tone in her voice.

"Are you okay? Is everything alright?" I ask her.

"No not really. Natalia and I broke up." She tells me.

"Oh no. Oh my god baby I'm really sorry." I tell her while giving her a hug.

"It's okay." She says.

I break the hug. "Listen Anna. It's none of my business to ask what happened so I'm going to just say this: Whatever happened between you two, it's going to be okay. You're strong, brave and beautiful. I know you're going to get through this." I tell her.

"Thank you." She says.

"And if you need anything, you know I'm always there for you." I tell her.

"Alright. Thanks again." She says.

I turn around to go to my next class and oh my god. My heart dropped. I see the girl from yesterday taking books out of her locker. She looks at me and smiles... I smiled back.

God this smile of hers.

I continue walking to my class and see Trevor as usual, sitting in the backseat. I walk towards him and sit in the desk right next to him. "So." He says

"So?" I ask.

"Any cute girls from yesterday?" He asks.

"Oh my god you too? How the hell did you guys know?" I ask.

"OH MY GOD. SO IT'S TRUE? YOU'RE GAY?" He asks in the loudest voice and everyone in class get quite and look at us. I got so embarrassed because I never told anyone I'm into girls.

"No. You're absolutely wrong." I tell him. He get's confused.

"I'm for sure 100% into girls, but I like guys too which makes me bisexual." I tell him.

"Oh my god that's so great. I really am happy for you." He tells me.

"Yeah I could tell from the way you were shouting." I say.

I spend the rest of the day thinking about her. I don't know what about her is so admiring and so amazing. I don't even know her yet. Biology is boring and I really want to get out of this class. I ask my teacher to go to the bathroom. I grab my stuff and I go to the closest park to the school. I sit on the grass with an amazing view in front of me.

I think for a couple of minutes then I heard footsteps coming closer to me until I saw legs right next to in front of my face

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I think for a couple of minutes then I heard footsteps coming closer to me until I saw legs right next to in front of my face. I slowly raise my head to see the girl. It's her. What's she doing here?

"Hey." She says.

"H-hi?" I ask. Then she sat next to me on the grass.

"I'm Corinna." She says and with every letter she pronounced I feel my heart beating faster.

"I'm Tana." I tell her.

"What are you doing here? aren't you supposed to be in class?" She asks.

"Ye-yes I am but Biology got boring." I tell her

"Biology has always been boring." She says and I giggle.

We had a small conversation then we had to leave to catch up to our next class. JESUS FUCK! I can't believe I just talked to her.

Authors Note
This is a bit short, I know. Throughout writing this chapter, you probably noticed that you saw another side of Tana. Tana as a person is very hype and loud and barely shy but in the story, I show her opposite side. Please give me feedback on whether I should write more about hype Tana so you could really feel like you're reading about her or if you like the shy Tana better. I promise next chapters will be better💯 I just need to know your opinions. Thank you!❤️
instagram - gdanian.dana

Confusion ( Corinna Kopf & Tana Mongeau ) Lesbian FanficWhere stories live. Discover now