Chapter 2

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"Hello there love"

Mal was face to face with the last person she wanted to see as he stood in front of her casually leaning against a post with his ocean blue eyes boring into her emerald green ones. "Hi Harry." She said as her insides began to squirm under his gaze. "Why ya so cold darling? Are ya not happy ter see me?" He said with a hint of amusement in his voice . "No. Why would I be?" She deadpaned as Uma and Evie started to giggle. Mal gave them a look and they stoped for about a few seconds until Harry said "You'll be absolutely dying to see me soon." And they erupted in a fits of laughter, this time joined by Jay, Carlos and Jane, even Audrey looked like she was going to laugh. So if Audrey thought something was funny Mal had to find out. 

"What do you mean?" Mail said more than slightly annoyed. Before Harry could answer lord Adam and lady Belle walked in with there son Ben and Chad (heir to the house of charming). Ben had always had a crush on Mal and everybody knew. They had tried to go out once and it ended up with Mal almost drowning. So let's just say she was on a very short fuse for the rest of the night. "Hello Mal, Harry, Evie, Jay, Carlos, Uma, Jane and Audrey. How are you? We haven't seen you in so long!" Belle said happily and thus ended the tension that was stirring in the room. Well almost, Audrey was still mad at Mal, Evie, Uma and Jane and Chad had a grudge with Jay while Ben and Harry (and this is putting it mildly) didn't like each other. (This involved a game when they played when they were 9 and Mal had been stuck playing princess and she, Harry Gil and Uma had reversed the roles and Ben had ended getting captured) (Mal Uma and Evie had made up a new pirate song that they all sung during the game) 

Four very long hours later...

We all gathered in the dining hall. Mom at the head of the table with me on the right and Evie on my other side and Audrey to her right. Jay and his dad Jafar. Jane and than Belle, Ben and Adam at the other end of the table. On mom's other side was Harry, Uma, and Evies mom who you think would be at the head but apparently not. Than Carlos, Chad and his parents that had showed up sometime after there son since his mother had an issue always with being late. Than James hook and Ursula.

"Dig in!"


 I'm thinking of ending the dinner with a food fight involving  the kids and some parents. Please tell me what you think of what parents should be in it

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