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Jeon Jungkook

"Jungie.. do you think we're gonna be alone forever?" Lisa questioned me, whilst polishing her knife collection.

"A person like me—us, could never receive love or give love back." I rolled my eyes at her craziness.

"Don't say that Jungkook." Namjoon said across the room, playing a game of chess with Hoseok.

"Well I mean I love my kniv—"

"You cheated!" Hoseok yelled, pointing at the place where Namjoon 'cheated'.

"Hoseok why do you still play with him? You'll lose all the time." Lisa chuckled, trying to tease him.

"Lisa! Stop picking on him or no knives!"

Lisa immediately apologized to Hoseok, since her knives are practically her life.

After a few minutes of hanging out in the game room with everyone, we all headed to our rooms for the night. Namjoon announced that we have a job tomorrow, so we should rest up.

Currently Hoseok is in my room working on his new invention, apparently it will help us not get detected by the cameras.

"Which bank do you think it is?" Hoseok asked, while typing something into his computer.

"Does it matter? They all have money."

"Of course it matters! Namjoon wouldn't be stupid enough to go, to the same bank two time in a row." He said dramatically.

I roll my eyes, "Don't be loud tonight. I'm going to bed"


"When you see a camera focusing on
you—block your face with this" Hoseok said happy, instructing us on how to work his new equipment.

"Are you all ready?" Namjoon asked eyeing us, to see if we were ready.

We all nodded together

Namjoon busted through the front doors, holding his gun up. "Everybody get down now!"

I and Lisa, head towards the back to where the money's at. I signal her go take out the man that's guarding the vault. A smirk appears on her face when she's heading through the hallway.

Oh lord.. what's is she going to do this time.

"Ow! th–the baby is coming!" She screamed, holding the wall for support.

The guard runs toward her with a concerned face, holding her body up so she won't fall onto the floor.

Lisa laughed darkly, striking her sharpest knife down his neck, blood flowing down. His body falls down to the floor, blood spreading through the tiles cracks.

"Nice work!" I highfived her, passing to get to the vault.

I use the equipment Hoseok gave me to unlock it, money spurts out of the vault covering the floor with $100 dollar bills.

'Anytime now!' Namjoon said through our earpiece. Causing the both of us to jump from his voice.

"Holy crap! That's more than we've gotten from the other banks!" Lisa said astonished.

We grab our bags filling them up with the money, I feel a tug on the back of my shirt. I jumped pulling my pistol out of my jacket. I point it at the persons head.

I and Lisa were shocked to see a little girl with a bears in her hands.

"Jungkook.." Lisa said cautiously pulling her knife out again. I made a face making her stop from what she was about to do.

"Hi baby girl..." I cooed, "Looking for your mommy?" She nodded trying to hold back her tears.

I pointed to the restroom saying that her parents were in there. Obviously they weren't I was just trying to get her away from us, especially Lisa since she's on edge right now.

"Jungkook! What the hell are we going to do!" Lisa said, once the the girl was in the restroom.

"It's a little girl... she won't say anything." I tried reassuring her. She was just a little girl, she can't even speak yet.

"Should we tell Namj—"

"No! Don't tell him!" I cut her off, gesturing my hands telling her to pick up the bags, so we could get the hell out of here.

"Finally! The cops are in the front! We have to go right now!" Namjoon said in frustration.

"Hoseok is in the back, lets go." He finished.


On the way back home, Lisa and I were giving each other glances, obviously about the little girl. We are ruthless... but I couldn't let the girl get killed. Namjoon noticed our glancing.

"Is everything okay?" Namjoon said, when we were all together in the living room.


"Yeah we're fine." I lied, Lisa smiled trying to reassure him.

"If you say so."

"So I've done the math on our way here. We all equally get 230k each." Namjoon said, placing four stacks of money into piles.

"Yay! More knives for me!" Lisa cheered, grabbing her stash.

"What are you gonna use it for?" I asked Hoseok.

"Obviously, new equipment?" He responded back, in a sarcastic tone.

Later on after collecting my money, Hoseok called me over to his room saying he needs to discuss something with me.

I open the door, revealing Lisa sitting on the bed with Hoseok.

"Lisa you fucki—"

"No! Jungkook I didn't!" She said worriedly waving her hands in the air, cutting me off.

"So I was watching you two through the cameras, what are you going to do with the girl? Jungkook." Hoseok's voiced boomed in his room.

"What girl?" Namjoon said with a confused face, standing at the door with his arms crossed.


Well this is basically Jungkook's Side and what the usually do. And how they are with each other.

Next chapter will be Taehyung's Side. (:

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