two: poisoned

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Darling's POV

As apple ran away, the guards follow her with snow white .we  immediately stand from our seats and help find apple.

We all split up to see apple easily. My twin dexter and my brother daring went together in a dark part of the enchanted forest to see footsteps. That must be apple's.

We followed it as we end up in a small hut. I knock and yell but no one answers. I touch the door and notice that this isn't lock.

I opened it and we all go inside. We saw apple laying on the floor . her face is so white as snow! I saw a black, rotten apple beside her . my brothers pick her up as i called my parents and Hers.

"Mom! Dad! Ms. white!" I yelled to see them all coming to us with 5 Guards.

"What happened to my daughter?" Snow white hexclaimed and go to her daughter.

"We saw her inside that house laying on the floor." I sadly said. "Here. I saw this beside her." I said as i gave her the apple.

"Somebody try to poison my daughter!" Snow white said as the guards ready their swords. They all encircled snow white as she holds her sleeping daughter.

"Lance!" Snow white called. "Someone from your children must wake up my daughter!" She shouted. "My daughter isn't breathing!"

"B-but , i told you. Daring is not her prince, neither dexter..." My brothers looked at me as well as my parents.

"B-but, how could i wake her up? I can CPR her..." I said without having a choice.

I come to apple as i closed her nose. I put my mouth into hers as i gives her air then she begins to wake up. She coughs as black smoke come out from her mouth.

"What happened?" She asked as i look down. Snow white hug her and shake my hand. "Thank you. You save my daughter." She whispered . i smiled as her as a response.

We all go back to the castle as apple said she will meeting someone here.

Apple's POV

Raven. She tried to poisoned me.
This is what I've always wanted!
I know she's here somewhere, watching. Finally, she poisoned me! 

After a long years, she finally showed up! I don't know what to feel...

Should i be happy, 'cause my long lost BFFA comes back? Should i be sad that my prince wont be with me? Or should i be angry And take revenge on what she did? I don't know...

"We used to be here every Saturday morning." I said to myself as i sit on the log where we always hang, and where we last met. The last time i see her is here, then we had a little fight.

Its so sad to think that the last time we'd met is also, the time where we fight which ends up into ignoring each other.

I sit on the log as i heard someone coming. "Who's there?" I shouted as i look around. I saw raven coming to me.

"W-what do you want?" I cowardly asked. "I just want to sit here. " she said sitting right next to me. We don't talk, nor look at each other.

"Um , apple."
"Um , raven."

We both said at the same time as we both giggles. "Um, apple..." She shyly said looking down.

"Im sorry, i-i just , i just cant control myself when my evil part takes me. I feel revenge. When i was at other dimension, i can feel my self becoming... Different." She said.

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