Chapter Thirteen

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On Wednesday, Liam, Harry and I decided to go shopping around in London.  We went out to Nando’s first, which was amazing, as it always is.  We spent the next few hours walking around and shopping.  I bought a few things, but not too much.  Every once in a while, fans would approach us in groups of three or four and ask for an autograph or a picture, so we happily obliged, and continue walking around.

Around three, I felt my phone buzz in my pocket while I was waiting with Harry for Liam to finish up in American Eagle.  I pulled it out to see that it was a text from Sophia: Are you busy right now?

I texted back, Just finishing up doing some shopping. whats up?

It took a few minutes for her to reply, but finally, she said, Can you just come over here whenever you’re done. only if you’re not doing something with the boys. x

I turned to Harry.  “Are we doing anything in particular tonight?”

“Uh, not that I’m aware of.  Unless you wanted to,”  he replied.

I shook my head.  “No, no.  It’s fine.  I was just asking because I think that I might be heading over to Sophia’s later.”  I felt him watching me, but I turned back to my phone.  

I texted back and said, Nope, I can come over in about an hour or so. is something wrong? x

Finally, Liam came out with his bag and we started walking again.  I felt my phone vibrate and read her reply.  I’ll just tell you when you come over.  Liam saw me staring at my phone and said, “Who’re you talking to?”

“Sophia,” I said, avoiding eye contact, knowing what his response would be.

Harry sighed and said, “Thinking about her this much isn’t going to make things go away.”

I looked up at him.  “I’m not sure if I want it to go away.”  They both looked at me with dumbfounded expressions.  “I want to be with her.  I don’t want to quit so easily.  I care about her too much,”  I said honestly. 

Harry slapped me on the back.  “Good for you mate,” 

Liam smiled.  “She deserves somebody like you, and more importantly, you deserve somebody like her.” 

They both said more encouraging things and pieces of advice, and they made me feel a little better about the whole predicament.  Like I actually had a chance. 


I arrived at Sophia’s flat around four with a bag of Chinese takeout.  She let me in, looking a little down.  I set the food down on her counter and she looked at it, then back to me.  “What’s this?”

I shrugged.  “You seemed like you were a bit sad earlier.”  I smiled.  ” ‘Any night is a good night when there’s Chinese takeout,’ ” I quoted her. 

She smiled and said, “One of my favorite things, besides—” 

“Besides chocolate milk, kaleidoscopes and collarbones?”  I finished, giving her a hug.  “And me, of course,” I joked. 

“So… what’s up?” I asked.

She shrugged and said, “I just kind of had a bad day, I guess.”

“Wanna talk about it?”

“I don’t know.  Uni was really just… uneventful today.  My mum called, and she still can’t get ahold of my dad.  She said he won’t pick up his phone or anything.  I think he might have changed his phone number after her persisting so much.”  She laughed at it, but it seemed to be aimed more at herself.  “John and I got in another fight today, the cherry on top to a horrible day.  I suppose life couldn’t let me off the hook easily.” 

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