Chapter Thirty Three

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The tour is almost over.  One more week, and I’m home.  I knew it was wrong for me to wish for my time with the boys to be over.  I loved my job and everyone knew it, but this was different.  I needed Sophia.

I hadn’t seen her at all—her webcam wasn’t working properly so we’d been unable to Skype the whole time I was away.  I was in dire need of seeing that face of hers, but I knew when I saw it, it would be well worth it.

Our managers had booked a random interview with some TV show this week, right before our very last show.  We had interviews off an on throughout he course of the tour, but this was our last.  I was tired of interviews.  They were the same every time.  It was just nice to know that this was our last for a while.

When we got to the station, they got us set up on a couch, all squished together like we always sat.  They began asking us the same old questions; the classic turn-ons and turn-offs, what we thought of the tour, favorite food, craziest fans, etcetera.

After a while, the woman turned to me.  “Now, Niall,”  she said.  “There have been quite a few pictures recently of you and a very pretty girl… Were you aware of this?”  I gave the woman a confused look.  “Let’s see if we can pull one up here…”  

Then, a photo of Sophia and I holding hands in town showed up on the screen.  I couldn’t contain a smile.  “Who’s that?”  the woman asked nosily.

“That’s Sophia,”  I said without hesitation, loving the way her name sounded.  I felt a huge smile unfold across my face.

Harry grabbed my cheek.  “Aww, look at that face!”  he said, charming the interviewer once again as he teased me.

“Now are you two just friends?  That’s a pretty big smile you’re wearing,”  she said, pointing to the picture.

I smiled shyly, unsure of how to answer.  Sophia and I had never talked about making our relationship public.  I didn’t care at this point, and I knew Sophia never would.  “No, we’re uh, we’re together,”   I stated proudly.

“That’ll break some hearts!”  the interviewer said, using it as a transition to another question.  Liam smiled at me from across the couch.  The interview ended shortly afterward, and we all filed out front of the building.

“I didn’t know you two were planning on going public,”  Harry said once we were outdoors.

“We weren’t, but it came up, so I figured why keep it a secret, you know?”

Louis slapped me on the back.  “Good for you,”  Liam said excitedly.


The next few days passed pretty quickly.  We spent them mainly flying, catching up on sleep and practicing before our last show.  Finally, the last night came.  The crowd was huge and we smashed it.  It was one of our best concerts yet.  I think the boys felt the same, because when we made it back to the hotel, we left right away to go celebrate.

We stayed out late—I only managed about three hours of sleep before we left for London.  I had trouble sleeping the whole flight home.  I was too excited.  All I could think about was Sophia.  All I cared about was seeing her face when I got into the airport.  That was all I needed.

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