04: Tyrant

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Episode 1: Space Station

The vast expanse of outer space rushing by the singular window of his pod, Raditz was on his way to Lord Frieza's space station, leaving behind the planet he had just conquered. The planet he had to slay his brother on.

But did he care? Not at all. The Saiyans were called a race of cold, ruthless warriors for a reason. His rations now depleted, he merely shut his eyes as his pod raced through the galaxy, before at long last, his ship docked at the bay near the back of the main Frieza Force space station. He sighed, exiting his pod locking it with a peculiar-looking remote.

Travelling through the station was a hassle, as it was absolutely huge! Raditz questioned how anyone could ever find their way through this maze, but shrugged the thought away. After minutes of searching, Raditz came upon the room that hosted the man he was sent to meet, to collect his payment for conquering Earth. 

"Ah, Raditz, you've finally made it," Mori, the dealer, said as Raditz entered the room through the automatic door. "I have all the money right here. And, there is something else I must tell you..." Raditz snatched the satchel of money from the man, before heading to leave. "What is it?"

Mori gulped nervously, reaching a scaly, green hand up to clear his throat. "Lord Frieza would like to meet you, personally. He is w-waiting in his chambers for you," he said, nervously. Now this peaked Raditz' interest.

"Lord Frieza wants to meet with me, personally? Very interesting indeed, Moron," he said, purposefully saying Mori's name incorrectly, to which Mori responded, "I-It's Mori...and yes, he didn't tell me what for, but he wishes to see you. I'd go as soon as possible, to avoid his anger." Raditz grunted. "Of course I wouldn't be late. I'd rather not die today." And with that, he exited the room, money now in his pocket, heading towards Frieza's chambers.


As Raditz made his way to Frieza's private quarters, he stumbled upon the one and only Captain Ginyu, of the illustrious Ginyu Force, the most elite of Frieza's forces. The captain's face bore a look of disgust, as if appalled by how low-rank Raditz was in Frieza's forces.

"Hello there, Raditz! What brings you back here? Finally conquer a planet on your own, or did you get the Prince to help you? Haha!" Ginyu knew how to get under Raditz' skin, yet the Saiyan kept a calm, yet annoyed look about him

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"Hello there, Raditz! What brings you back here? Finally conquer a planet on your own, or did you get the Prince to help you? Haha!" Ginyu knew how to get under Raditz' skin, yet the Saiyan kept a calm, yet annoyed look about him. "I did, actually, a dump known as Earth. I found my brother there, and killed him. And his son." Ginyu whistled. "How cold, Raditz." Raditz quickly responded, "Don't give me that shit, Ginyu, you've done far worse things than I have."

The captain merely chuckled, before looking Raditz in the eyes. "You're right, I have. I've also done far better things than you'll ever do, you monkey." Now that almost made Raditz want to kill this man, but he, admittedly, knew that Ginyu was far stronger than him. "Whatever. Out of my way," the Saiyan retorted, shoving past him and heading to the Galactic Emperor himself. As Raditz walked by, Ginyu looked at him smugly, knowing that he had again defeated this Saiyan's pride.

Episode 2: The Galactic Emperor

Raditz was nearly at Frieza's chambers. It took him a bit, yet again, to find the location, but once he did, he flew his way through the base, as it was obviously faster than walking. He didn't have to worry about running into anyone since it was practically empty on this side of the station. Upon reaching the large doors to Frieza's chambers, Raditz straightened himself up, as to be presentable in front of the lord of the universe. The large doors swung open automatically, prompting Raditz to slowly walk in, his footsteps reverberating throughout the room.

"Lord Frieza. You are in need of my company," asked Raditz, who kept his calm, even though he's only met Frieza once or twice before. The emperor turned slowly around on his floating pod, an expressionless face about him. He looked Raditz over, before hopping out of his pod.

 He looked Raditz over, before hopping out of his pod

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"Ah, yes, Raditz, I've been looking for you. I have something very important to inform you of, and I'm only going to say it once. Do you understand?" The Frost Demon stared coldly at Raditz, still looking bored, but if one were to look very closely, you could almost see a sadistic smirk forming.

"Wh-What is it, Lord Frieza?" Raditz was nervous, of course, but he dared not show it. Frieza began walking towards the Saiyan warrior, his tail swaying to and fro behind him. "I am giving you a promotion, Saiyan. You are now an Eradicator in my forces. You will now go to every planet you deem profitable and conquer it for me. Do you understand," the Frost Demon explained, now looking up at his warrior.

Raditz quickly nodded his head, "Yes, I understand. I-I am humbled and grateful for this gesture, my liege." Frieza chuckled quietly, almost beneath his breath. "Yes, now go on. Go conquer a planet." And with that, Raditz bowed to his lord, before abruptly exiting his chambers, not speaking until he reached his pod to go search out a planet.


Only a few moments later. Captain Ginyu enters Frieza's chambers. "Lord Frieza. The Ginyu Force is ready to pursue Raditz to whatever planet he may happen upon," he said, hands clasped behind his back and his expression serious.

"Good, very good," hissed Frieza, the faint sadistic smile from earlier finally blooming. "Even a weakling like him is a threat to us." Ginyu cleared his throat. "But Lord Frieza, if I might add...why not just kill him? Both you and I can easily dispose of him, why go to the trouble of toying with him?"

Frieza usually dislikes being questioned, but this time, he merely kept smiling. "It's nothing, really. I just like the thought of putting that arrogant monkey through Hell."


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