Ch. 2: My New 'Home'

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Your POV
My eyes flutter open in a room that seemed to be caving in ontop of me with pastel F/C walls. I covered my head with my hands as I was always told by teachers to whenever there was an earthquake. I slam my eyes shut and start to rock myself back and forth, hoping and praying it was a dream. I move my hand shakily to my cheek and pinch it. Ow! Nope...its real.

I shakily move my hands to my side and search to see if my phone was in my pocket. Damn... Its not. I groan and check my watch. 1:30 am. I've only been out for an hour and a half. But I still wonder who brought me here. What do they want with me? I ask silently.

Suddenly I hear footsteps come closer to me and a knob start to justle around as its turned. I snap my gaze to the origin of the sound and hug my knees, afraid of my captor. As soon as the door opened, it widened and revealed the man from the other side. It was the same man that flashed his image onto my computer; Anti. I widened my eyes at his presence and shrunk farther into the corner of the room I sat in. Anti chuckled at my fearful stance and neared me with a sadistic grin, his eyes flashing blue and green. I inched backwards till I couldn't move backwards anymore. I was trapped in that corner like a mouse, helpless to a cat who looked to me for prey.

" need to be afraid of me~ im not going to hurt you~" he whispers creepily, sending a shiver down my spine as he knelt down in front of me and cupped my cheek with his cold hand. I flinched at his touch and looked away in fear. He gripped my chin and made me look at him.

"Look pretty, your mine and mine alone. Ignoring me wouldn't be the best option right now." he says with a growing smirk on his face. I gulp and shake my chin rapidly to get his grip free. He holds on tighter and kisses my forehead.

"Kitten, its no use trying to get me to let you go. You belong to me now. No use resisting." he urges me, earning no response, just a glare from me. He scoffs and lets go, still keeping his black and green eye on me. He sighs and speaks up

"The first thing you should know is that I have rules for you staying here. I can't have you leaving now can I?" he giggles. I scrunch my nose in disgust. He turns back to me and starts naming his rules.

"First off, you do as your told. If I want to cuddle you will, no questions asked. Got it princess?" he asked. I nod shakily, earning a snake-like grin back.

"Good girl. Now, you will address me as master and nothing else unless I give my consent to let you call me by my name. Otherwise its master. Secondly you will wear what I lay out for you each day with no resistion or I will not hesitate to leave you in just your undergarments. Got it?" he hisses the last sentence, making sure I heard him clearly. I gulp and nod again, afraid of what he was capable of.  He grinned and continued, leaving me in utterly shaking fear.

"Alright, another thing, you will not become romantically involved with anyone except for me. If I catch you doing so the man who you do become interested in will...disappear. And I don't think you want that do you?" he asks. I shake my head and look down at the thought of someone I loved to be suddenly 'gone' thanks to the hands of this sadistic bastard.

"Well the only other thing is that you will respond to any nickname I give you. Including the no escaping bit but, I think that part's obvious. Why don't you and I take a tour of your new home?" he suggests, holding his hand out to me. I hesitate and hold my hand back. He glares at me. I then take his hand without question and he smiles, lifting me off the ground and intertwining our fingers sneakily. I don't hesitate to remove them, knowing the consequences. He leads me towards the living room, which looks completely normal. He stops and picks up a picture, a picture I had taken at my school a few weeks ago for picture day. My breathing hitched at his availability to my personal secrets and information. He turned to me with a grin and caressed my cheek while I closed my eyes tight and turned slightly away from him in disgust.

"Tsk..." he grunts as he tugs me back towards the room I came out of. We turn to a room with a black door and Anti opens it to a room with weapons and work out equipment on one side and a beanbag and toys on the other. I scoff at the childish toys on the ground and turn my eyes reluctantly to the weapon side of the room.

"'d rather watch me work huh?" he snickers, sitting me down in the beanbag next to the toys. I look down at them, seeing as they were toys I used to have as a kid. One of them was a doll I used to have that I lost when I was 12 and I cried my eyes out no matter how much my mom tried to sooth me. It was a simple sown doll with E/C string dots for eyes and cotton H/C hair on its head, representing me. I stare in wonder at the doll, questioning how Anti managed to get it back. My mom was the one who made it, there isn't another one like it. As if he heard my thoughts, he spoke up, a distorted chuckle following.

"You know, I had to search for a long time to find it. Turns out you left it in the forest near here. I wonder when it was you came around here?" he asks me, looking to me with a glare and a smirk on his face. I stay silent and look back down at the doll, and then back up at Anti who was giving me a fiercer glare than before, wanting to know the answer to his question. I widen my eyes at his gaze before thinking about when I did lose my doll.

" was when I was mom was taking me have a small picnic and...I left it here or wherever you found it." I end off, Anti intensifying his glare, reminding me of one of his rules.
"M-Master..." I stutter. Anti returns his smile to his face and turns back to his work, leaving me in my own silence.  After fifteen minutes of this silence, I spoke up, hoping I wouldn't get smacked.

"Um... S-shouldn't w-we head bed? Its...its still early in t-the morning..." I mumble. Anti stops and turns around to look at me from his work table. He looks at me for a moment, his eyes drifting up and down my figure before smiling again and helping me up.

"Alright Kitten. But, you'll sleep with me tonight. Seeming as I would hate for you to have to be alone." he says, trailing his cold hand up and down my arm. I swallow the urge to tear away from his touch as I nod, knowing I was helpless right now. He smiles and takes my hand again before taking me to the bathroom door.

"Your pajamas are in here. Come join me when your ready." he says, leaving me to change. As he was turning the corner he added

"Also, all the doors and windows are locked shut. Don't think I wasn't prepared." he giggles, his laughter distorting as it had before. I quickly enter the bathroom and look at the clothes he laid out for me.

(Put it in your favorite color btw) I smile, he wasnt putting me in revealing clothes yet thank God

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(Put it in your favorite color btw)
I smile, he wasnt putting me in revealing clothes yet thank God. I quickly change and walk out of the bathroom and walk up to Anti's door and take a heavied breath before knocking. I hear him answer so I open the door and see him sitting on the edge of the bed as if he'd been waiting. Once I came in I closed the door behind me and looked back to Anti who came over.

"Beautiful. Now come here and I can tuck you in~" he suggests but I know its an order. I quietly sigh and walk closer to him, letting his arm snake around my waist before he lifted me up bridal style to lay me on the bed. He kissed my forehead before going to the other side of the bed and getting in himself. He brings me closer and starts stroking my hair, taking strands inbetween his finger tips and letting them loose again. I look up to him innocently as my eyelids started to become heavy. Anti hummed before taking me in his arms. I close my eyes tiredly and slowly feel my consciousness fading. I shiver and consciously nuzzle up to Anti, feeling his warmth. His hands stop for a second before continuing to stroke my hair, making me fall into sleep in my captor's arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2017 ⏰

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