thirty eight

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fifth harmony owns my ass, i'm screaming


Marley: @ghey_mich wtf is a fifth harmony

Michelle: @ghey_mich @marleygold_ only the greatest group of women and also my wives

Marley: @ghey_mich they sound like a children's show pop group

Michelle: @ghey_mich @marleygold_ ummm excuse me? what kind of children's show would allow five gay women to all be in a girl group together?

Michelle: @ghey_mich @marleygold_ definitely not disney channel.

Lauren Jauregui 🙈✅: @ghey_mich one bi*, one pan* and three gay* women

Michelle: @ghey_mich @marleygold_ @lmj96 ^what she said

Michelle: @ghey_mich @lmj96 WAIT YOU'RE SHHDJWUDJWIDNE

Lauren Jauregui 🙈✅: @ghey_mich i don't think SHHDJWUDJWIDNE is my name, maybe you have the wrong person?

Michelle: @ghey_mich @lmj96 sorry, lost my cool for a second there. i'm just like, your biggest fan. idk if you remember me, i went to the meet and greet and asked you to sign my boob

Lauren Jauregui 🙈✅: @ghey_mich 23 people asked me to sign their boobs, you gotta be more specific

Michelle: @ghey_mich @lmj96 lmao 23 i'm cackling

Marley: @ghey_mich @lmj96 lol i just looked at pictures of them, they all look like low-class strippers

Michelle: @ghey_mich @marleygold_ wtf is your problem? have you even watched their videos? they're all super amazing people with better personalities in their left toe than you'll ever have in your entire body

Lauren Jauregui 🙈✅: @ghey_mich don't feed the fire, babe. we get so much shit like this, we've learned it's not worth it. but thanks for defending us xo

Michelle: @ghey_mich @lmj96 i love you, lauren. you signed my boob. but i'm not just gonna sit back and let a bitch talk shit about you.

Marley: @ghey_mich awww, are you defending miss pudgey? she's the one with the green eyes, right? have you seen this picture of her at the beach?

Marley: @ghey_mich like, literally, if you don't have the body for a bikini, don't wear one

Michelle: @ghey_mich @marleygold_ um, have you seen pictures of lauren's abs?

Michelle: @ghey_mich @marleygold_ um, have you seen pictures of lauren's abs?

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Michelle: @ghey_mich @marleygold_ phew, hold on. that was a dangerous internet search to make in the middle of an argument. i got a little burned by her hotness

Lauren Jauregui 🙈✅: @ghey_mich don't let my girlfriend see those

Camila : @ghey_mich @lmj96 i have you on notifs, babe. when you say things like "don't let my girlfriend see those", i get suspicious.

Camila : @ghey_mich @lmj96 but yes now i'm super shook and i really want to kiss you, so i can see why you didn't want me to see them.

Camila : @ghey_mich @lmj96 WHY ARE YOU SO BEAUTIFUL?

Marley: @ghey_mich @ccabello lol is this the one with the bangs? she looks like a 2 year old

Michelle: @ghey_mich @marleygold_ why tf does it matter to you? like, just go to fucking bed, it's way past your bedtime, you angsty 12 year old lookin to start a fight.

Lauren Jauregui 🙈✅: @ghey_mich girl, i'm tellin you, just drop it. you're only giving her what she wants.

Marley: @ghey_mich @lmj96 oop, better listen to her. mother knows best.

Camila : @ghey_mich @marleygold_ okay wtf, i just read through this entire string of tweets and i'm pissed too? like i never care when people come for me on twitter, but lolo? um no

Camila : @ghey_mich @marleygold_ get your crusty ass off of twitter if this is how you're gonna act. life is too short to argue and hate on other people. and your hate is so stupid and lacks purpose.

Camila: @ghey_mich @marleygold_ also we have fans that will literally destroy you when they see this, so. michelle is just one of them. there are thousands more.


Michelle: @ghey_mich @ccabello lol it's been like twenty minutes, i think you scared her off

Camila : @ghey_mich good, our fans will still come for her tho. she'll have to make a new account to escape it lol

Lauren Jauregui 🙈✅: @ghey_mich @ccabello that's not funny, camz. you both could've just left it alone. if we hadn't replied, this tweet wouldn't have even gotten that much attention

Lauren Jauregui 🙈✅: @ghey_mich @ccabello but now, tons of people are gonna go for that poor girl

Camila : @ghey_mich @lmj96 "poor girl"? do you even hear yourself? she made fun of you, lauren. and all of us, too

Lauren Jauregui 🙈✅: @ghey_mich @ccabello the hate she gave us wasn't worth the hate she'll receive.


Michelle: @ghey_mich @ccabello @lmj96 lauren? camila?

Michelle: @ghey_mich @ccabello @lmj96 where did you guys go?

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