Chapter Two

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I woke up, and was surprised when North wasn't beside me. I frowned.

I sat up, glancing around the room. I wanted to lie down and go back to sleep, but him not being here bothered me.


I got up, ignoring the unrolled mat, and walked out of the room. I entered the kitchen and saw a bowl of rice and a set of chopsticks on the counter. But no North.
I picked the bowl up in one hand and held the chopsticks in the other.

Frowning some more, I left the kitchen, eating as I walked.

I got to the front door and lifted my leg, holding the handle with my foot and sliding the door open. I quickly slipped on a pair of shoes and used the same leg to close the door behind me.

I continued to eat as I walked down the quiet path that led from our house to the highway. The trees tinted everything green, and the thick canopy only allowed a few shards of light to penetrate and reach the leafy pathway below. Yet, despite the lack of sunlight, everything felt light and warm.
As if the trees themselves were producing sunlight.

It was a beautiful path, and I loved to just walk in the stillness and quiet.

However, I was still concerned. Where was North?

I had decided to go to the highway, so that I could see if he was waiting to catch a bus or hitchhike to Seoul, or something.
It wouldn't have been the first time.

The trees around me disappeared as I stepped into the modern world.
Cars raced past me, and with them came the stench of pollution.

I blinked a few time, my eyes adjusting to the sudden brightness of the sky.

I swallowed another mouthful of rice, glancing both left and right.
No North.

I walked to the nearest town, still unable to find my brother. Instead of worrying, I tried to think of the most usual place for him to visit. A sudden dread settled into my stomach, but I chose to ignore it. Discarding my half eaten breakfast, I walked faster and faster, until I was practically running.

The old door was surprisingly still intact. It was painted and decorated beautifully, the colours had yet to fade, but I wasn't interested in the artwork.
"China!" I knocked harder. "China! Please answer door. I need your help."
No response.

"China! I can't find North anywhere, so I was wondering if you knew where he was."
I knocked even harder, my knuckles stinging.


The door finally opened and the Asian country looked me up and down, squinting slightly, as if he were tired. I quickly bowed in greeting, trying to swallow my agitation.

"China! Do you have any idea where-"
"-North is? Yes, yes I do."

I blinked in surprise. "Where?"

"Oh, hyeong!"

China turned around and I felt my heart leap with relief when I saw North standing behind him.

"North! I was looking for you... how could you leave without telling me where you were going?" I tried to hide my relief with a stern frown.
"I was worried."

"I know. Sorry, I just wanted to have a quick chat with China, but it dragged on a lot longer than we thought it would."

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