Chamber 05

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You took a right and entered the next chamber. Unlike the strange look of the last test, this one looked pretty normal. There were two buttons in front of the doors, both beckoning for a cube. You saw two raised platforms, an orange portal on the wall above the far left one, and a cube on the one just to your right. You couldn't reach it, unfortunately, so you walked over and saw a cube in a pit.

You shot a portal below it, and the square went tumbling onto the platform. You were about to pick it up, but then you saw the other cube waiting on the other side of the room.


You pushed the cube aside and shot a blue orb over to the cube. It pinged on the wall behind, and you walked through the orange portal. Sure enough, the cube was there.

Just before you picked up the cube and jumped down, however, you noticed a glass window with what looked like a small office behind it. There was nobody inside, but it still sent shivers down your spine.

You dropped back down and placed both cubes on their respective buttons. Sure enough, the door opened.

You walked through, and the door shut behind you. You saw a glass wall above you. You were trapped inside. But then you saw a portal open above you.

Thank goodness.

Before you could act, however, the robot came on.

"As part of a required test protocol, our previous statement suggesting that we would not monitor this chamber was an outright fabrication."  


You walked through your freshly-made portal and dropped onto the glass. The chamberlock was just down the hall. As you went through the Emancipation Grill, the lady continued.

"Good job!"

 "As part of a required test protocol, we will stop enhancing the truth in three."



The lady clearly didn't get to finish her sentence, but it was kind of weird knowing that someone...


...was watching you without you knowing it. You also wondered about her not enhancing the truth anymore.


The elevator doors slid closed, and you were ushered to your next destination.

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