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I swear, you do not know how many tears I spilled when I had to edit and re-read this so that you guys wouldn't have to fight through mistakes. Ugh, my goodness. I think I can watch Titanic now and not cry. (who am I kidding, of course I can't.)

Where was I going... oh yeah!

Thanks for reading everyone! I'm sorry it's another EXO, but I swear I won't write another one unless you guys ask me to. And that's a promise I'm not planning to break. And I'm working on a new romance story for you guys, and it doesn't have anything to do with EXO. 

It has BTS. 

JK! JK! I'm sorry, that was too much of a good opportunity to miss! My god, I'm seriously getting off track.

Leave your suggestions in the comments! And I missed you my lovelies- not being able to see my kittens- BWAHAHAHAHAH KITTENS! OMG, what the hell? I'm sorry, that came out of nowhere... well, you're all my kittens! (hahaha hahaha)

Back to my message, I missed you when in Switzerland. Not being able to check up on you guys was killing me! (FYI, I only write on my computer, since my phone hates me)

This is way too long, so I'm saying goodbye now! Please comment below and don't forget to hit that star for me! *snickers* Kittens... oh, you're such a genius, KittyKat



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