Not Bad, For A Human

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Cold goop smeared over Lily's forehead. Reesa squelched her thumb in the goop pot and spread on another layer. The Verakian woman wiped her thumb on her jumpsuit and foraged in a large pocket on the side of her pants. Probing the sticky spot on her forehead, Lily frowned. Reesa slapped away her hand.

"Move, so I can set your resnance chip." A small blue box rested in the lieutenant-technician's hand. The lid croaked when it hinged open.

"Hurry with that." Vortrand adjusted his jacket so it hid the gun holstered beneath his arm. "We're due for processing. Where's the Pashmi?"

"You're certain Luthe transferred enough for the inspection dodge?" Reesa eyed her brother's firearm.

"Cretch's sorted. Where's the damned Pashmi?"

"He's here." Doctor Puu glided through the docking claustra's entrance. Lily's lips parted.

In addition to his cerulean robes, the doctor wore many gold cuffs. One clamped around his neck which extended its length and canted his head at a lordly angle. Two other cuffs adorned his foxy ears and one more clipped the lower length of his tail. A mechanical hand straightened the vest buttoned over his crisp dress shirt.

"Fantastic," the captain said without meaning it. He gestured at Lily. "On Myskuul, you're with her. She needs a barriersuit. Add it to your restock."

"Of course, captain."

At the mention of the restock, Lily winced and heat pricked her cheeks. If only she hadn't messed up with Vlex so badly.

"Hold still." Reesa pinched Lily's chin. "And listen up. This is important."

"Your resnance chip." The Verakian woman displayed the open box. Two upside down triangle halves rested on a raised cushion. They flashed in the light like crystal shards. "This must stay on your head at all times." She pressed her thumb to the chip and stuck the device to Lily's forehead. It tingled. "Sorted?"

"It itches," Lily said and Reesa caught her hand before she scratched.

"That means it's setting. The adhesive's a cellular stimulant. You scratch off the chip and your skin's coming with it."

"It's permanent?!"

"I've got a solvent."

"Why do I need this thing?"

"Because," Vortrand answered, "you'll die an agonizing death without it." The resnance chip on his own forehead glimmered as his head swung toward a port fissure next to the fledgling birth area.

"That's your answer for everything."

Reesa positioned herself between Lily and her brother before they ramped up. "Resnance chips generate harmonic atmosphere fields. HAFs regulate atmosphere pockets. Not every planet in claimedspace has air you can breathe. Believe me, you'd rather wear a chip than a clunky pressuresuit."

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