Detention with Umbrella

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I woke up, and got ready for my classes. Nothing unusual happened until Potions, my last class of the day. We were doing some easy potion today, but I didn't care, my father seemed off today. He kept shooting glances my way, when he thought I wasn't looking. I was pleased to get out of class but,

" Miss Camryn, may I speak with you? " he said coldly. ' What did you do? ' Harry mouthed, I just shrugged and entered the class again.

" Close the door, " he asked, and I did.

" Whatever you think I did, I didn't do," I said. He didn't say anything, he just hugged me. I was startled, but I warily hugged back. He then did something I nevet thought he ever did, he sobbed.

"Oh Jessi, I never knew," he said looking at me," you look just like your mum." I smiled and he smiled back.

" Did Dumbledore tell you?" I asked.

" Yes, " he said, " I just wanted to let you know that you're allowed in my private quarters whenever you want to see me, okay." I just sat there, smiling at him. I don't care if he thinks I'm a weirdo, I'm just happy to finally have parent who knows about me.

" You don't know how happy I am to finally to talk to you as a daughter, " I said after a while, " I have to get going, I have detention with Umbrella."

" Okayyy? well, see you around," he said and gave me one last hug, and I left.

I was walking along, until I noticed I was lost. I then sensed someone behind me.

" What do you want, Malfoy?" I said without turning around.

" How did you know I was there? And why are you down here?" he sneered at me.

" I'm a psychic, and I'm lost," I said looking around to meet his gaze. I shouldn't have though, because I got lost in his blue gray eyes.

" Well get going, someone might catch you" he said, and I felt the same emotion coming from him as it came from me. I hurried away, and soon found Griffindor tower.

" What happend to you? " Hermione said as I walked through the door.

" I got lost," I told them, not telling them about Malfoy.

" Oh, " Harry said, " What did Snape want?" I sighed, I should tell them, they are my friends, so I explained.

" No flippin way!" Ron exclaimed.

" Yup, I'm Snapes daughter, " I said, " I have to go, detention." and I left again.

I found her office easily, the knocked on the door and entered.

" Hello Miss Camryn, today you will be writing lines," she said in a sickly sweet voice, " You will write ' I will not use magic'."

" How many times?" I asked.

" Until it sinks in," she fake smiled, and passed me a quill. I knew it was cursed, so I whispered a spell to protect me from to pain it was about to cause me.

I started writing when a felt a tingling sensation on top of my right hand. I glanced down and saw the words I was writing start to appear on my skin. I kept writing until it was done carving me skin then she let me go. She seemed furious that I didn't feel pain.

I kept walking to the common room, a piece of my shirt wrapped around my hand. I went straight up to my room and closed the curtains to my bed, not that it mattered, everyone was asleep. I took of the rag and inspected the cut. The words 'I will not use magic' were clearly inscribed into my hand. I thought of healing it, so I did, then I fell asleep thinking of Draco. Why oh why did I always fall for the ones who are bad?


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