Under the weather

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After potions class, I had DADA with the Umbrella. I walked to class behind Harry, Hermione, and Ron, it wasn't a double class so I wouldn't see Draco, I probably wouldn't until tomorrow.

Once I got there, she stood at the front of the class like usual, wearing the same fake smile and disgusting pink robes as always. I sat in my usual spot up front, so I could mock her like always.

"Welcome students," she started as we all sat down, "please turn to chapter 6 of your books and read until page 121."  Then she returned to her desk to watch us. As everyone opened their books, I thought of today's scheme, I like to make her uncomfortable.

"So no magic again, Professor Umbrella?" I said with an innocent smile.

"Miss Camryn, please raise your hand to talk," she said without looking up from her desk.

"What?" I mock gasped, "No yelling at me? Do you feel a bit ubnder the weather today? Well, you are an umbrella," I snickered at the last part. She sighed and got up.

"Miss Camryn, detention tommorow night, my office," she said in her sickly sweet voice and sat back down. I grinned to myself and started reading.

*  *  *

After Charms, we had lunch, so I made my way down to the Great Hall, but I was stopped by Ginny, Ron's sister.

"Hey, Jessi," she said, panting, she must have just ran, "we're having a meeting at the Hogs Head tommorow during the Hogsmead trip. Don't tell anyone, just come." Then she dashed off again.

True, today was Friday, and tommorow was the last trip before the holidays. I shrugged as I entered the hall. Wonder what was going on?


Hey everybody!

I know I said I would stop this story, but I didn't realize jow popular it is. I'm sorry if I upset you guys, but I've decided to continue this for now, and try and make it work.

I really don't have many ideas for what's to come, so if you have any, just comment or message me. Please vote, comment, and follow.


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