Animal- One.

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So if it's just tonight,

The animal inside,

Let it live and die.

Like it's the end of time,

Like everything inside,

Let it live and die.

Animal- One.

April 7, 2014

Emma's P.O.V

Santino lifted me in the air to celebrate in another victory well won. I don't understand why Summer debuted before Paige.

Paige is an awesome wrestler and Summer is only about showing off, 'fake' is what everyone calls her.

We used to be great friends back in NXT. Until she came to the main roster.

I walked backstage with Santino and almost immediately he split ways. Kind of like he never even knew me.

"You did great out there Em!" Paige congratulated me.

"Why thank you I'm up to ripping Summer's fake blonde hair any day" I replied perkily.

"I would like to get some blonde hair myself but I'm fine with ripping out black hair too".

I was going to reply back when I was bumped into and sent to the floor.

"Oh didn't see you little girl" Maxine joked kicking me with her black heel in the ribs.

"Hey watch it old lady!" Paige growled "Or did your fake tits catch you off guard" Paige smirked.

"I'll have you know that I'm a REAL women, actually more of a women than you'll ever be" Maxine pursed her lips taking a step closer to Paige.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't know that real women are like 40 and have anger issues, and I'm pretty sure real women aren't abusive to their boyfriends" Kaitlyn said coming up to us as I found the strength to stand up.

"Says man arms here, your a laugh in a half" Maxine spat pushing Kaitlyn.

I stood up breaking up the little argument because it looked like Paige and Kaitlyn were ready to attack Maxine.

"Stop" I said stepping in between the three.

"Awh is little Emma feeling confident that she won one of her little matches?" she asked with a fake sympathetic smile.

"Your a newbie Emma, you can't even wrestle I bet you wouldn't stand a chance against me without your precious Emma lock" she scoffed.

I knew that she was telling the truth, I didn't even know why I was here when everyone is sick of me already.

I gulped "Y-Yeah I would" I said trying to keep my head up high but it was hard when I was feeling like she was telling the truth.

"Even all the divas say so. Your annoying, weak, and pitiful in fact you can't even wrestle without your Santino out there to help you, your just a joke" Maxine's words piercing into me.

"Hey Maxine lay off" Paige growled.

"Or what? why don't ready for your title match little girl" Maxine pushed Paige.

"Why don't you go be fake somewhere else!" Kaitlyn raised her voice "Or what your gonna sit on me? your funny Kaitlyn" Maxine replied with a punch to Kaitlyn sending Kaitlyn falling down with blood oozing down her face out of her nose.

"Your all weak. Keep your mouth shut!" she spoke to me with hate in her voice.

She stormed off I turned to Paige and Kaitlyn.

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