She Looks So Perfect- Five.

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You look so perfect standing there

In my American Apparel underwear

And I know now, that I'm so down

Your lipstick stain is a work of art

I got your name tattooed in an arrow heart

And I know now, that I'm so down

She Looks So Perfect- Five.

April 13, 2014

Emma's P.O.V

I flaked out on Seth he didn't mind. I decided to keep my distance I don't really want to be hurt. While setting up me and Brie decided to go pick up the drinks.

We got in the car and I looked at my phone immediately cringing my eyebrows.

"What's up Emmy" Brie asked as we pulled away from Nikki and Cody's new home.

"Seth just called literally 20 times, I don't want to be hurt again, I just want him to leave me alone. After what AJ told me about Seth and Eva made me really think about him and see him differently" I said putting my iPhone back into my bag.

"When we get back to the house call him, cut the string before it gets longer" Brie said, I rubbed my temples "Maybe your right" I sighed and she held my hand "Don't stress about it" Brie said.

Seth's P.O.V

I put my phone down and felt heart broken, Emma isn't answering any of my calls. She flaked out on me and I sure as hell ain't cool with it.

"Hot date?" Roman scoffed making me shoot a glare "Not funny" I walked out slamming the door.

I ran into Maxine "I was just lookin for you" she said twirling a black curl.

"Yeah?" I replied "Yeah" she played with an imaginary string on my shoulder "Your so strong" she said on a flirtatious tone.

"I am" I flexed a little bit for her "So I was wondering if maybe we can go to the bon fire together?" she asked "Im sorry Max but I kind of want to hang out with Emma when I'm there" I said scratching my neck.

She rubbed my check "But she's only a little girl, don't you want a REAL woman?" she asked.

"I gotta go" I walked away from her.


When I arrived at the party there was a lot of people there. I noticed Emma and Chris Jericho flirting.

I walked over "Hey Emma" I smiled at her she gave me a cold look.

"Hi" she continued to flirt with Chris.

"Can we talk?" I asked.

"Um... iI'm kind of talking to Chris right now" she said bluntly.

Emma's P.O.V

I was in the middle of a conversation with Chris we were flirting and having a good time when Seth walks up to me.

I wasn't at all trying to be bitchy but I was just signalling him to leave because I didn't want him to get to me, I know what I feel for him is strong but I just broke up with Cesaro and I don't want a relationship, I thought about it and me and Brie had a conversation coming back from getting the drinks and she made me realize that it's too early to start a relationship.

But I still want to fool around I mean I want to still have fun while being single.

Chris grabbed my hand and pulled me close "Your so cute" he said as we drank our cups or vodka.

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