13) The Proposition, The Task and The Trust

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*sighs* I hate lying, so I think I'll just come clean and tell Hermione the truth.

Hermione: Tell me what?

Me: Uh, hello? You're not  supposed to come out yet. Wait for the 'DISCLAIMER' word. That's your cue.

Hermione (rolls her eyes): Tell that to your OneNote journal.

Me: It already knows - Wait! How did you...?

Hermione (grins): Let's just say I'm worse than Rita Skeeter. *laughs and leaves*

Me (shakes head in disbelief): Wizards.

President Snow (suddenly appears): Is it true I died because of poison?

Me: Wha - What are you still doing here?

President Snow: Answer the question.

Me (sighs theatrically): Okay, I lied. You were burned to death.

President Snow (pales): WHAT?! *leaves grumbling to himself*

Katniss (appears suddenly): Good one.

Me: Next time, I'll tell him Finnick Odair plunged a trident through his stomach.

Katniss (nods appreciatively): Or that he was burned at stake. Disclaimer?

Me: No, thank you. They already know anyways.

*Katniss and I looking at the audience*



“What do we have to do just so you guys would make up already?!” Angelle whined, slamming her fists on the dinner table. Fascinating, really. Seeing a seventeen-year-old whine. Jonah looked at her amusedly.

“If I could make sure that my sister and I would get out alive in this one,” Ian declared flatly, clearly seeing nothing amusing in the situation.

Amy bit her lower lip thoughtfully. “We’ll just have to work together now. That’s what Nellie’s message said.”

“No choice. Fight back. Something like that.” Dan yawned hugely. “If we don’t fight back, we’ll die. Simple.”

He dodged a flying ballpen, courtesy of Natalie. “It’s not simple, you daft!” she growled.

“We are not going to sleep until these two childish boys,” Angelle glowered at Hamilton and Ian, “make up. We could stay here until the next morning without sleep. Now that’s simple.”

Ned, Ted and Dan whined, and started fake sobbing. Soon enough, all of them were dodging flying ballpens and notebooks courtesy of Amy, Sinead and Natalie.

“What do you want me to do?” Hamilton and Ian demanded. They glared at each other with clenched fists and gritted teeth.

“Apologize. So that we could work on this blasted thing and win this battle,” Jonah said, looking like a stern disciplinarian father. Angelle shot him a raised eyebrow.

“Why don’t you just ask dear, old Lucian to help you? Since he’s so smart?” Hamilton sneered, pointing his thumb at Ian.

“That’s it! I’ve had enough of this idiocy!” Sinead glared at Hamilton. “If these two immature people won’t make up, then let’s just go our separate ways. We will go pack our stuff and abscond this derelict place. It doesn’t make any disparity anyway! We stay here; we perish because you,” she pointed accusingly at the two boys, “won’t fix your mess diplomatically. We abscond; it’s like plastering a blinking plasma-infested sign that says, ‘I’m a Cahill. Kill me now!” She was panting slightly from all that ranting. Her breath came in small gaps as her chest heaved in and out, her steely glare never once leaving Hamilton and Ian.

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