18) The Start

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Second chapter :)

So who's watching Good Luck, Charlie!? I think the casting is perfect and that the storyline gets more and more original. XD 

Anyhoo, I don't own GDC nor do I own The 39 Clues or any of the things you see here which clearly isn't mine.

Do carry on.


“They built five freaking islands just for this human chess game?” Hamilton blurted out incredulously while all of them prepared for the said game. They sat at the ‘preparation/operation room’ anxiously. The ‘room’, as the Vespers put it, takes up at least four huge suites. Plush couches, intricate interior designing; it’s like telling them to enjoy all these while they still can. Everybody was sensible enough not to touch the food on the buffet table. When Dan saw those two long tables with endless selection of food, he didn’t even bat an eye. Neither did Hamilton. In fact, they were even a bit hesitant to sit on the couch.

There is a huge screen with all those mind-boggling buttons which Sinead are supposed to use. Thank goodness, she knows exactly what they are for.

“We’re all far away from each other,” Keightlyn murmured, tugging at her purple dress then at her leggings. Phoenix placed a sympathetic arm on her shoulder.

Dan grinned, scratching the side part of his costume. “Aw, c’mon! We’re just, like, a minute away from each other,” he said, bringing his old everything-will-be-okay-so-let’s-get-pizza-later attitude.

“A couple of minutes boat ride away from each other,” Phoenix interjected quietly.

Ian stared at the beckoning landscape which the French windows showed him. The Pendennis castle replica was a mere fore-picture of the whole thing. The intimidating bricks had been a hoax. Ian was expecting more of the Harry Potter version of human chess game. No such luck. The Vespers provided him with an extensive view of man-made islands.

“They really outdo themselves, those Vespers,” he said, resting his chin on his clenched fist.

Amy mutely nodded. She fingered the soft textile of her costume. Her fingers instinctively clutched the choker Ian gave her. Nobody could deny the fact that they are battling Vespers now. Five islands. We’re all apart. It’s like what Ian said during our Lucians classes. When you’ve kept your enemies close, divide and conquer.

Sinead, being the Chess Master, will stay at the operation room.

Angelle and the Pawns will stay at the island connected to the operation room by a replica of an ancient drawbridge.

Approximately (well, according to the Starlings anyway; something about the direction of the wind and the growth of who-knows-what on the walls) four kilometres from Angelle’s island are the islands of the Knight and the Bishop. The island of Hamilton and the island of Jonah are four kilometres apart, so with Angelle’s island they form something like a triangle.

To form a bigger triangle, at the farthest end are the islands of the King and Queen, and the Prince and Princess.

All of those are four kilometres apart and from each other a minute far away based on the boat’s said velocity. Therefore from Sinead’s operation room, the last islands are... eight kilometres and two minutes away.

Again, courtesy of the Starlings.

The speakers on the corner of the room sent a warning round of static, signalling that somebody will speak. True enough, a girl’s voice – probably Ian and Amy’s age – spoke. “You are now asked to stay with your partners and wait for your respective boats.” The atmosphere changed drastically, from light to sadistic. “If you want to say your last goodbyes, this is the perfect time to do so,” she continued menacingly, but with the for-cabin-crews-only voice.

The Start of Train, a 39 Clues FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now