Chapter 4

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Song: Apologize by OneRepublic.
Word count: 1203.
♪ Trinity Fallen's P.O.V ♪

I woke up from the alarm, I turned it off and snuggled farther into the blanket. I mumbled cursing, going to the shower. I didn't bother to wash my hair, I was almost late. I dried off and changed into black jeans, a black hoodie, a black beanie, and black converse and a white T-shirt. I brushed my hair and put it in a ponytail. I put on my half of a wolf necklace, going to the kitchen. I scarfed down a granola bar and brushed my teeth. I grabbed my bag before grabbing my motorcycle keys.

I put on the helmet and drove off. I reached school a few minutes later. I parked and grabbed my bag and helmet, going to my locker. I put my helmet in it and put my unnecessary books in it. I went to class and sat in my seat, my arms behind my head with my fingers intertwined. I put my feet on the desk, not paying attention. I eventually sat down properly and took notes.

The bell rang, signaling the end of class. I went to my locker, exchanging the books I had for the ones I needed. I proceeded to walk to history, I only noticed I was late when the door was closed. I opened, ignoring the scolding of the teacher. I did, however, notice the curious stares of other students as I sat down. I took notes when needed but zoned out.

Soon enough, it was time for music. I grabbed my bag and whispered a song as I walked into class. I knew what song I was going to choose; Apologize by OneRepublic. I put my bag in my seat and grabbed a guitar, playing it.

(Play now)

‘‘I'm holdin' on a rope
Got me ten feet off the ground
I'm hearing what you say
But I just can't make a sound (Oh yea..)

They tell me that you mean it
Then you go and cut me down
But wait
You tell me that your sorry
Didn't think I'd turn around 
And say

That it's too late to apologize
It's too late
Said it's too late to apologize
It's too late

I take another chance, take a fall, take a shot from you
I need you like a heart needs a beat
It's not from you (Yeaaaa)
I loved you with a fire red and I was turnin' blue
And to say
Sorry like the angel
Heaven let me think was you
But I'm afraid

It's too late to apologize
It's too late
Said it's too late to apologize
It's too late

It's too late to apologize
It's too late
Said it's too late to apologize
It's too late

Said it's too late to apologize
It's too late
Said it's too late to apologize
It's too late

I'm holdin' on the rope
Got me ten feet off the ground..’’ I finished singing and placed the guitar back. I nodded in thanks when the class clapped. I grabbed my bag and exited, murmuring the song softly. I put my earbuds in, listening as a random song came on. I hummed it, walking to the cafeteria.

I grabbed a few slices of pizza and a bottle of cherry coke. I went to my table and began eating slowly. I finished my pizza and gulped down the rest of the coke.  I was still humming softly as I threw away the trash and tray. I went to art class, which I apparently shared with Blake.

I didn't pay attention to him as I listened to the teacher. ‘‘Okay, class, today you will be doing a competition. You will paint an animal of your choice as realistic as possible. I will be the judge. Any questions?’’ No one raised their hand so she continued, ‘‘It begins now.’’ I took black paint along with blue and green. I began painting the outline of a wolf, I took a dark grey shade of paint and painted shading.

I added different shades of black and grey, murmuring incoherent words. I, then, focused on painting the eyes. The base color was an aqua blue, while I added dark green swirls. I painted a forest as the background, you could faintly see a white wolf with piercing dark blue eyes. I signed the bottom right corner and sat back. I admired my work while I waited for the others to finish.

Coincidentally, Blake was seated to the left of me. I didn't look at his painting and stared at the teacher. ‘‘Everyone finished?’’ the teacher asked quite loudly. Everyone nodded, eager to leave school. ‘‘I will decide the winner tomorrow, but you must leave your paintings here. You may, however, take them home after tomorrow.’’ A few mumbles of agreement chorused from the students, not including me.

Some of the students walked around, looking at others' paintings. I had an emotionless expression as I watched some people look at mine. I felt someone's gaze on me and looked at Blake, an eyebrow raised at him. ‘‘I didn't know you were good.’’ I shrugged and studied his painting. It was a white wolf with dark blue eyes with a flecks of gold. The background was a forest with a black wolf's head visible.

Come to think of it, it looked exactly like my wolf except it was in the shadows. Blake observed my painting, only now realizing ours were similar. ‘‘Admit it, you copied me.’’ We said at the same time except my voice was low and threatening. I sighed and grabbed my bag, going to my locker. I grabbed my t-shirt and shorts from it and went to the changing room. I put my bag and other clothes into the gym locker.

I went to the field, sitting on the bleachers as I waited for everyone else. A couple minutes later, everyone was here. The coach blew her whistle loudly, silencing the ones who were talking. ‘‘Twenty laps around the course and 25 pushups.’’ she commanded, while we lined up. She blew the whistle as we took off running. I ran faster, in the lead. I wasn't even out of breath. By the last lap, I wasn't even panting.

I did the pushups, and the coach blew the whistle. ‘‘Hit the showers, you guys stink!’’ Her voice was loud but playful and we obeyed. I grabbed my clothes from the locker and took a shower. I dried and put back on my clothes. I took out my bag and dirty gym clothes. I made a mental note to wash them later. I grabbed my helmet and keys and went to the school parking lot, I put on my helmet and drove home.

I put the motorcycle in the garage and put the keys back. I went to the washer and started the clothes. I walked to my room and put my bag down. I took off my hoodie and beanie, tossing them somewhere. I changed into comfy shorts and did my homework. The problems were easy for me. I was soon finished with the homework and switched the clothes to the dryer. I went back to my room and plopped onto the bed. I soon fell into a dreamless sleep.

 I soon fell into a dreamless sleep

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2017 ⏰

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