Mafia the game

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Joker: Wtf is this game?

Bold: A game that is played a lot in my school :D

Spade: I already have a bad feeling

Bold: Awww, don't be like that :'D


Bold: NOPE

Steve: I've already been pulled in this ;-;

Bolt: Me too

Jukian: Sounds fun anyway :D


Shadow: Hell naw

Rose: Are we going to get hurt?

Bold: Well, no. Unless you break the rules :D

Phoenix: I am very curious about this "mafia" game

Joker: Yawning jerk, no

Bold: Screw you all, we're playing this anyway ;D

Yea, I'm serious. I'm doing this game.

Basically, mafia is a game where you have to guess who are the "murderers". First, everyone will take a piece of paper. The papers will write either "citizen", "murderer", "detective", "doctor" or "hunter".

"Citizens" are normal people that don't have any special quirks. "Murderers" will be allowed to kill one person every round. "Detective" is allowed to check one person's identity every round. "Doctor" can choose to save the person who was killed or not. "Hunter" is allowed to kill someone after they have been killed.

Well that was a long explanation//slapped

After that, everyone will pretend to sleep. The host will ask the murderers to wake up. They will point at who they want to kill and then pretend to go back to sleep.

After that, the host asks the doctor to wake up. The doctor can choose if they want to save them. If no, they die. If yes, they are revived. Again, they are asked to go back to sleep.

Finally, it's the detective. Once the detective wakes up and chooses to see one's identity. After they know it, they will pretend to sleep again.

After all that, everyone will wake up. Everyone will take turns to speak about who could be the murderers and vote. The person with the highest votes will be executed.

The game ends when the murderers are all dead or the citizens are outnumbered by the murderers.

If anyone wants to put in their ocs, just submit in their names. Ocs that have been including and submitted in my Introduction page don't need to.

Everything will be decided through a randomizer. Either I or Steve will be the host or we'll change in each round.

Also, help me decide if I should add in the children ocs just for fun XD.

Kaitou Joker stuffWhere stories live. Discover now