The Finishing Touches

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Warning: Gore!
Simply perfection.

That was all he could say to describe her. His beloved girlfriend he loved with all his heart sat on the lovely throne he prepared specially for her.

"Now dear, it'll be all right. Don't need to fret." Lupin smiled as he caresses Ace's cheeks. Her eyes were filled with tears as she saw what was within of her boyfriend's other hand.

He had planned for this day for so. He couldn't possibly wait any longer. Right now, he was the happiest man alive.

He took the scalpel and slowly gouge out her beautiful eyes. His own eyes were filled with insanity as he heard her beautiful scream. How could such a beautiful creature exist he wonders.

Ace screamed into the tape that covered her mouth. She struggled against the ropes that bounded her to the chair that held her in place. Pain was all she could feel, no love anymore for the opposing male.

"Milady, I said not to move isn't it?" He gazes into the sole eye that was left as he continue to crave out the eye. "Well, I supposed I could forgive you this once. After all, you'll be the most beautiful doll I'll ever make!"

Seconds turned to minutes, minutes felt like eternity. Her screams died long long ago. Her natural coloured eyes were replaced with gorgeous pastel pink ones. Her normal dress was changed into a stunning dress, fit for a princess on her coronation day.

Lupin hummed a simple tune as he wiped off the blood from Ace's face. He was most proud of the work he had made from her; she was now truly eternally beautiful and young.

"My dear, if only you looked this beautiful on our wedding day. Oh! Maybe I should dress you in your wedding dress again! We can enact our wedding again!" Lupin says cheerfully, dripping with sweetness in his tone "Don't you agree?"


Then a scream.

"D-Dad?" Akane shuttered. Behind her was her dear older brother Luciel who was terrified by what the both of them saw with their eyes.

Not only was it their mother's suppose corpse, but so many people they knew who sat on chairs. Some they recognized, some they didn't. However, all looked so equally empty within their eyes. Alive, yet dead; beautiful, yet cruel.

"Children, didn't I tell you not to go in the basement?" Lupin smiled as he stood up and walked ever so slowly to Luciel and Akane.

"The- The screams." Akane collasped onto her knees and shivered. "M-mum. D-dad."

"Daddy's here for you Akane~ You're going to have a special seat near your mother," he whispers coyly as he approaches faster.

Luciel grabbed his sister's hand and ran off. Akane stumbled onto her feet but ran equally fast.


Faster, faster, faster.


Faster, faster, faster.

To no avail.

"Yes! Now, for the finishing touches." The father smiles as he applies the final touches of makeup onto his daughter.

He stepped back and gazes at his work proudly. The mother, the son, the daughter; the whole family all together as a happy family.

From then on, they filled in their doll house forever together.



Till the father made himself a doll.



As they rot away in time.



For eternity.

I'm so bored :'D

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