Chapter 1

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Her blond hair flew behind her as she threw her arms in the air, laughing. "Sit down, Willow!" her boyfriend laughed, grinning at her. They drove down the long road together, on their way to the beach.

"This wind feels so good!" Willow called back to him, her eyes lighting up as the clouds over head parted, letting the light shine through. Her deep natural tan made the blond of her hair stand out more as her boyfriend wrapped his arm around her waist, keeping one hand on the wheel. He pulled her down into her seat, and she giggled lightly, brushing a piece of hair behind her ear.

He took a moment to look over at her.

And, in that moment, everything changed.

There was a loud thump, as he lost control of the car and it swerved off the road, the back end hitting a tree. Willow's head hit the window and she let out a small scream as the car began to roll down a hill.

Everything went dark for a few seconds, and when she opened her eyes again, she looked at Riley.

Her scream caught in her throat. His head was rolled to the side. There was a large gash across his face, that was oozing blood. His nose seemed to be broken, and was sticking out in weird angles. "Riley." Willow spoke, her voice harsh. When he didn't move, she tried again. "Riley."

She leaned forward as much as she could in the tight space that she had left. That's when she saw it. His head was nearly smashed in on his left side. The steering wheel seemed to be crushing his ribs, and she started to wonder if that had been the sickening crunching she had heard. "Help!" she called out, weakly. "Help!" she tried again, slowly getting louder with every try. "Help! Please, help me!"

She slowly stopped screaming, realizing that it was no use. There was no one out there.

No one to help her. To help him.

There was no one.


"How is she?" Bonnie asked Tyler as they looked through the door of her hospital room.

"She's depressed. Really, really depressed. They have her on medicine and everything."

"Really?" Bonnie asked, looking over at her friend. Her blond hair haloed around her head on the pillow, and there were wires hanging out of her arms. "Do they know what hit the car?"

"No, but after the police told me where it happened, I had a sniff around." Tyler's voice shifted into a whisper. "There was a wolf."

"A werewolf, are you sure?" Bonnie asked, looking at Tyler with wide eyes.

"I'm positive." Tyler nodded.

"Is she a... you know." Elena trailed off, looking at Willow's sleeping body.

"We won't know until the next full moon. I'm not sure if she was the reason he died or not. The doctors said they didn't know, and that they weren't able to get that information out of her." Tyler let out a defeated sigh.

"Do you want me to call-"

"No." Tyler said, looking at Elena quickly. "As soon as she's good to go, we're taking her home. She'll be coming back to Mystic Falls with us."

"Is she going to argue about it?" Elena asked, looking at her bed ridden friend once again.

"After what she's just gone through?" Tyler shook his head with a sigh. "She'll want to be out of Alabama as soon as she can be."

"Are your grandparents okay with this?"

"They have to be. After dad died, and now with this close call, mom wants us both in Mystic Falls. They don't have a choice in the matter." Tyler ran a hand through his hair. "I'm worried though. When she gets home, what if she finds all of this out? All of our secrets. What if Klaus tries to hurt her? There are so many what-ifs. I can't stand it."

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