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hoseok woke up with a loud bang in the kitchen. he shot up from his warm and welcoming bed and immediately run to the kitchen in a still sleepy state. there stood a shocked yoongi with broken pieces of glass infront of him.

even in his sleepy and fuzzy state, he quickly went to yoongi and scooped him with his arms and placed him on the couch, worry drawn on his face.
"baby, are you okay? do you have any scratches? did any shards cut you? c'mon, tell me." yoongi quickly shook his head cutely "i'm fine daddy, stop worrying." he pouted.

hoseok looked over the pink glass shards on the ground and back to yoongi, his eyes soft. "what were you trying to make sweetie?" he asked, running his big hands over yoongi's black locks. "i was trying to make you breakfast, b-but i accidentally dropped t-the bowl." yoongi explained, eyes tearing up with each words. he felt useless, all he wanted to do was to make breakfast for his daddy but he still messed up.

"shh, baby, shh. its alright." hoseok shushed, engulfing the smaller male in a tight hug, rocking him from side to side. "its not! i-it was just c-cereal yet i s-still me-messed it up!" yoongi screamed against hoseok's chest. "baby, its alright. you tried your best right? that's all that matters. daddy is proud and happy because you wanted to be a big boy and make him breakfast!" hoseok beamed, pulling away to look at yoongi in the eyes. his eyes we're swollen and his cheeks we're wet with tears. "r-really?" hoseok nodded, "really".

the younger scooped him once more and placed him on his hip, one hand under his bum to balance him. "because you were an amazing big boy, you're going to wear your favorite pink sockies and my hoodie, thats good?" yoongi's eyes widen and a huge grinned grew on his adorable face, "yes! thank you daddy!" he squealed and squished hoseok's face before planting a loud kiss on his cheek.

hoseok went to the kitchen with yoongi in his hip and placed him gently on one of the stools. "but first, my little prince needs to eat first before he receives his reward." hoseok took the broom and the dustpan and scooped the glass shards them threw it in the trash bin before gathering yoongi's favorite cereal and his kumamon bowl with matching spoon. he washed the bowl before putting the two ingredients together and sliding the bowl towards yoongi. "eat up while daddy cleans up , alright?" yoongi nodded cutely with his mouth filled with his favorite cereal.

hoseok came back moments later with his hair combed and face washed. he then took out his usual yellow bowl and metal spoon and took out his favorite chocolate coated cereal and combined it with milk in his bowl.

their morning started with a small mess and little bit of crying, but they shared it together so they we're happy nonetheless.

total word count: 509 words
wow this is cheesy but aye
hope you guys enjoyed it !
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