5┆coffee boy

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the tall brunette walked into the same coffee shop he's been going to everyday after his art classes. he's always been addicted to the warm and welcoming smell and aura of the coffee shop. he loved how pleasing the colors are. small speakers on the corner of the shop that plays calm and comforting music, the walls were a light shade of brown, dark brown tables paired with the same color of chairs, the marble counter next to a thick layer of glass that protects the delicious food, the same marble tables behind those counters that has all different types of syrups, coffee containers and paper cups.

everything is just nice.

hoseok sat down on the usual table he sits on - which is right infront of the counter - greeting his friend that works in the shop with his award-winning smile. "hyung! do you want the usual or do you want something new?" the younger smiled back. "the usual. also, nice socks, jiminie." he winked, followed with a small chuckle, making jimin blush. the said boy was wearing a loose pair of black pants that shows his ankles and his white socks that has a small ribbon on it. the smaller male walked away with a smile and hoseok's order on his mini notepad.

hoseok leaned back on his chair and took out his sketchbook after remembering the given assignment his art teacher gave them. he flipped through pages full of sketches without giving a single care to them. he never likes his drawings nor his sketches. he just feels like it's never good enough. no matter how long a single piece takes, it always turns into shit.

he stopped on an empty page and took out a pencil from his bag. he looked around, not really knowing what to draw. his teacher always told them that public places are good sources of inspirations for drawing, which is another reason why he always come to this certain coffee shop everyday after class.

his eyes looked around the small shop, his face on his palm. he observed each costumer in the shop; there was an old man sitting on one of the chairs across him, he had a very high nose bridge, his lips are also very thin, there are small grey hair sticking out of the hat he's wearing, the ginger coat he's wearing has a great combination with his red checkered scraf that was tied loosely around his neck, he was also wearing a loose faded dark brown pants, this man sure does have a great fashion sense hoseok thought.

there was a lady sitting next to the window sipping on a cup filled with dark coffee, small trail of smoke following it as she placed it back down on the table because of how hot it is, the lady was wearing a maroon eyeshadow and thin eyeliner paired with caramel brown lipstick, her hair was wavy and her light brown hair dye fading away.

hoseok observed them and their every details, it may sound creepy or weird, said man can't deny that either.

he continued looking around, until his eyes stopped on a fluffy blonde hair. he turned his head to the side a little to have a clearer view of the person that owns that eye-catching hair. he's breathing hitched after seeing the boy. he was wearing a pair of glasses, making him look soft and cuddly but smart at the same time, he has long lashes making a gorgeous combination with his monolid eyes paired with his small button nose, making him look like a small fragile kitten, he has a small pink lips with a shade of peach , his top lip smaller than the bottom one, making him look like a glass doll.

he looked perfect.

he was gorgeous. hoseok's hand immediately took a tight grip of his pencil ㅡ his grip was soo tight he could feel the pencil bending ㅡ and started with a rough sketch of the man. he wanted it to be perfect, just as perfect as his reference. his coffee arrived as soon as he finished his sketch, the smell of the freshly brewed coffee beans made him feel even more inspired to finish this piece.

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