The Start

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No one pov
March 13, the day their beloved teacher, Korosensei, was killed.
By none other than Nagisa Shiota.

"Goodbye, sensei..."
A tear rolled down his cheek
"Nagisa..." Karma and Kayano called out

After a while Nagisa stood up and turned to look at his classmates with a blank expression
"I'm going home"
He was about to walk away...
"Hold it Nagisa"
Karasuma grabbed his shoulder making Nagisa stop and turn his head
"You can't leave, the military and reporters are still there. We have to wait until it calms dow-!!?"
Karasuma froze, as he felt an enormous amount of bloodlust traveling up his arm, like a snake ready to kill him.
He looked Nagisa in the eye and was filled with fear!
Nagisa was giving him the same look he gave Takaoka when they fought each other on the island.
"Let go, if not I won't hesitate to kill you"
Nagisa said faintly
Karasuma sweat dropped, but he managed to compose himself
"I'll tell my men to accompany you"

Nagisa nodded and proceeded to leave.
Everyone gathered and saw Nagisa walk away, slowly disappearing.

Nagisa pov
I tried my hardest not to kill Karasuma, but next time I come back I won't hesitate...

I will get revenge...

I'll Kill Shiro for disturbing out precious moment and for harming Kayano...

I'll Kill Karasuma!
Had he not called the government Korosensei would have lived!

It's also my fault.....

That's why... I need to get stronger

"... hey" I called out to one of the guards walking along side me
"Yes?" He replied
"Where are you holding Takaoka?" I asked with a slight smirk

Note: I plan on making Nagisa a badass in this story. I also want you guys to know, there won't be that much karmagisa in the beginning, so hang in there.

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