Do It

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No one pov
The two fought for some time.
Every time one struck the other, everyone would yell trying to stop them.

About 10 minutes passed by and it seemed like Nagisa had the upper hand.

Karasuma began to stand up slowly from all the beatings he got.
His suit was ripped and filled with blood stains while Nagisa had the head injury and few cuts.
"Give up Karasuma, I won, so just let me kill you!"
Nagisa charged at him with his knife!

Karasuma looked up with a smile
"!!" Nagisa was shocked to see him smiling as he got closer
Karasuma spread out his arms and pulled Nagisa into a hug.
Nagisa was too late and before he knew it he was wrapped in his teachers arms.
"What?!! Let Go!!" Nagisa yelled
Karasuma only tightened the hug
Nagisa managed to lift his knife and stabbed Karasuma's shoulder.
"Ngh... Nagisa, I know his death was my fault...but.."
"Let Go!"
"But, I once told an old friend that I would always look after his students..."
He stopped struggling
"That's why I have no choice"
A few seconds later Nagisa felt a pain in his stomach
Karasuma released Nagisa
Karma's eyes widened
Nagisa stood up and pulled a knife out
"N-Not yet... I won't die yet!" He pointed the knife at him
"This time I'll Kill you!"
They continued fighting

"Stop it!" Kayano yelled
Karasuma stopped to look at Kayano, but Nagisa took that opportunity to stab his side.
Karasuma fell over
Everyone gasped
"Good-bye, Karasuma"
Nagisa was about to charge at him until...

Nagisa pov
I froze and dropped the knife I was holding.
I was shot from behind.
I then coughed  up blood
"Oops my bad! I thought you already killed him!"
I turned around and saw Takaoka by the door, holding a gun
"Y-You, y-you did t-that on purpose, didn't you"
"No, I really thought you killed him. I was just fulfilling my part of the deal."
I looked down knowing Karma was starring at me.
"Go on, kill him Nagisa"
"Nagisa..." I heard Karma say
I looked up and made eye contact with Karma
"Go on. Finish your revenge" I heard Takaoka say

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