Swan Song - 03

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Chapter Three


"Sorry...what?" I coughed. 

"Lizzy I...I want you to marry me. Oh wait I did it wrong. Wait a second." He turned around and reached into his jacket pocket, pulling out a Ziploc bag. I bit my lip to keep from smiling. He fumbled with the bag, trying desperately to open it. Once he did, the flipped the bag upside down, shaking out what I suspected was a ring. 

Unfortunately, I began to tear up and couldn't stop myself. Finally, a shiny silver object fell out of the bag and tumbled into his sweaty hand. Holding it up shakily, he presented it to me. 

"Oh wow. Oh my. Andrew." He held it up right in front of my face, holding it between his index finger and thumb. The sun hadn't quite set over the horizon yet and by coincidence, the sun was sitting right behind the diamond in the ring. It sparkled like no other diamond I'd ever seen. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I looked to Andrew.

"How in the world did you afford this?" I asked. 

"It was my great-grandmothers." My jaw literally dropped.

"This is that huge family heirloom you've told me about?! This thing is like a hundred and fifty years old!" I gasped. 

"Yeah. Great great great something grandfather actually mined it and cut the diamond himself. It was the engagement ring for his wife and now I want to give it to you." 

"Do you know how dangerous it could be? Giving a hundred year old family heirloom to a girlfriend? She could run off with it and pawn it somewhere!" 

"I don't have to worry because I know you love me enough to say yes." He paused for a moment, and neither of us spoke. "Or am I wrong?" Suddenly I burst out in hysterical laughter. 

"No you're not Andrew. Of course I'll marry you! Oh my this has got to be one of the best moments in my life! Andrew I love you so much!" I took the ring and kissed him hard. Pulling away, I started to cry again. 

"Oh don't cry." 

"I can't help it Andrew! I just love you so much!" He smiled and kissed me back. I slipped the ring on my left ring finger and held it up to the dwindling sunlight.

"It looks like the sun!" I said.

"It sparkles like you." I started to laugh at how cheesy the romance had gotten.

"Why thank you."

"Now, shall we eat?" He opened an old fashioned picnic basket and started to pull out plates and napkins. I looked into the sunset and smiled.

After our date, Andrew dropped me off at home right on time with my curfew. I used my own key to unlock the door and stepped inside, kicking off my mom's shoes. My little brother Ben has just made popcorn; I could smell the buttery scent of it wafting through the entry way from the living room.

"Mom! I'm home and I have something really important to ask you!" I shouted.

"What? What's important?" Ben asked, coming around the corner. He shoved a handful of popcorn in his mouth, failing horridly, dropping crumbs onto the cream-colored carpet.

"Nothing Ben. Just grown-up stuff." I ruffled his ten-year old hair and went to find my mom.

"Mom! I need to ask you a question." I finally found her folding laundry in the basement.

"What's up?"

"Remember how Andrew and I have been thinking of moving in together?" 

"Yes...what's wrong?" Unfortunately, I started to tear up again. "Honey, what happened?" She put down the laundry and came over to me. 

"I want to move in with him."

"Honey are you pregnant?" I laughed. 

"No, I'm still a virgin mom!" I could visibly see her relax more.

"Then what's wrong?"

"He...he asked me to marry him." She gasped and covered her mouth with her hand.

"Really? What are you going to say?"

"I said yes. I just wanted to know if it was ok with you!" I smiled. 

"Of course! Have you worked out any of the details yet?" My mom asked, completely ecstatic. 

"No. Not yet." My mom leaned forward and embraced me in a hug. 

"Well I"ll always be here for you when you do decide!" She kissed me on the cheek then went back to folding laundry. 

"I know mom! Thanks!" I literally skipped out of the basement and bounded up the stairs and into my room, where I called Destiny. It rang once, then twice then finally she picked up.


"Oh my gosh Destiny you will never believe what happened!!!" 


"Oh I woke you up didn't I?" I ran my fingers through my hair, silently kicking myself for waking her when she was obviously sick. 

"No not really." 

"I did and I'm sorry Des. I can tell you tomorrow so you can go back to sleep!" I suggested. 

"No, no that's ok. What's going on?" Adrenaline shot through my bloodstream and I laughed. 

"Andrew asked me to marry him!" I practically squealed. 

"What?!" She cried, matching my squeal.

"I know I can't believe it!"

"You have to tell me everything tomorrow ok?" Destiny asked. 

"Of course! Now, it's almost eleven. Go to bed and I'll see you tomorrow!" She said goodnight and we hung up. I changed into pajamas and crawled into bed. Turning off my light, I immediately started to dream of what it would be like, living in my own house, alone with my husband. I fell asleep happy. 


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2014 ⏰

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