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Blake's pov
I saw Diana and Emma walk out of house then I headed downstairs. "Aren't you gonna go to school?" Asked Carly. "Yes I will go to school Carly now go change." "No, I don't want to." She said crossing her arm. "Go get changed Carly." "No." "I said go." "But I don't want to." "Go." "WAHAAA!!!" I carried her throwing her on my shoulder and walked to her room. "Change. Now."
"Humph." She said as she changed. After that fit I went to the twin's room to wake them up.
ᴸᴱᵛᴱᴸ 1
"Jayden Kayden wake up!" Okay then that didn't work out.
ᴸᴱᵛᴱᴸ 2
I took a blow horn from my room and pressed the button. BANG. Still not awake.
ᴸᴱᵛᴱᴸ 3
My poor ears are gonna bleed to death.

I'm a Barbie girl in the Barbie world...
And you all know the rest.
"F**k you Blake!" Yelled Kayden.
"Love you too lil bro! Now go change."
ᴸᴱᵛᴱᴸ 4
Jayden is still not awake. So I took his phone and as I was about to open it, he yelled "I'm awake D**khead!" "Good now change!"
"Yay!" They said sarcastically. "OMG!!! I'm SUPER happy that we're going to school!" I yelled sarcastically in a high pitched voice. We all laughed at that.


"We're late!" Shrieked Carly. "And..." The twins said in unison. "It's my first day of Preschool!!" "Okay." They said nonchalantly. 3...2...1
"WAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" Oh good grief. I carried her over my shoulder and then buckled her up. I dropped her off then I went to start the car then it didn't start. "F**k!!!!!" I yelled. "What happened?" Asked the twins in unison. "No Gas." "F**king a**hole!" "Wow! Chill. Now up before I put that Barbie song again." "UGH!" They said as the got out of the car. We were only a couple minutes away from school but still they were tired. "We're here." I said. "Thank goodness." They said.
We went our separate ways.
I was furious
Carly had a tantrum.
Then twins barely woke up.
My f**king car broke down.
"Move." I said to every single person in my way they all moved, except one. "Move." I said with voice as cold as ice and as hard as cement. "No." Answered a voice that I recognize. Emma Reed. "I said Move." "And I said No." She smirked. "Move your nonexistent a** out of my way." "It's nonexistent so how can I move it?" She answered with sarcasm dripping in her voice. "Move. It." "Nope." No one has ever talked to me that way. Ever. I was so angry that I punched the locker beside me. Her smirk grew 10x bigger. She kept her ground and said "The perfect reaction I wanted." I was stunned."Dude! Solid BURN!" Yelled Jake my best friend. "It's true." Daniel said. My other best friend.

Meet Jake he has slept with more girls than followers he has on Instagram and that's a whole lot of girls. He once put weed in the vending machines and never got caught, and once he glued the principal's tie to his desk and didn't get caught how? I don't know.

Then meet Daniel, sweet innocent Daniel he has a girlfriend who he'll never cheat on. She's basically the love of his life. They were childhood sweethearts, inseparable. Her name is Hannah Edison.
He's the guy you'd go for advice. He's the golden boy.
(。♥‿♥。) (。♥‿♥。) (。♥‿♥。)


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