Baneling Bite: Hunters

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The Baneling Bite 2

Our forest once a home
Infested by animal hunters
"Do you know this place is full of tombs?"
Ask the leader of adventurers

As they pass the tall trees
They heard a little girl crying but she quickly flees
The hunters followed the bait
What a silly mistake

As they ran to follow the child
Arachnids suddenly approaches stopping them, the group separated
The child stops, giving a glance to scared hunters then cry
As the bugs slowly eats them and die

Few people escaped
Some didn't and decayed
"Aren't they starving?" Grace said
"Is this the right thing?" Little Medea replied

Grace told three women, four men
Survived the deadly attack of bugs poisonous to human
"Mother do you really need to do this to set us free?"
For Grace it's a blessing, the killing spree

Months passed, soldiers appeared
Looking everywhere they don't fear
Deep within the forest ground
Some Dead bodies were found

Later that day, a bivouac was made
Medea appeared nearby hiding with her blade
Maybe for killing any piteous prey
But no, there is Grace guiding the way

Showing her venomous tail
Slowly injecting poison to it's prey
Medea cried as someone died
She can't stop, the soldiers woke up

Grace said run as the guns shot
Her black heart is now shut
Pitiful Medea, running for her life
"Why did mother sacrifice her life?"

Next Part Soon!

Part 2 of 5

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