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               Short Horror Poem


Modernization ascends
Communication evolves
Science arose
Inventions for purpose

Life's been easier
But there's something to fear
The Scariest of all
The one that'll create civilization fall

Humanity will be wiped
In just a slow swipe
We must act before that time arrived
That humanity will decline

Robotics slowly made into a tool
As time pass it became powerful
Internet, a source of everything
Wiping and manipulating the brain

Deforestation and urbanization
Humanity's creation
The Oxygen depletion;
And the increasing population

Nuclear bombs and pollution
Wars for the Land's protection
Drugs and everything about destruction
Why do people do that? Is there a reason?

Virus invasions
Alien Invasions?
An endless sickness development
Will all medicines defend?

It's all part of the slow falling nation
Now the world judges your decision
Continue the bad habits more
Or blow it's lit candles for the future

(Would you end the world? Decision lies in all of us.. I know that you're even fearing at a very little thing.

"Sad but true.. Modern people fear it"

"Fear yourself"😈)

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