Lets Play A Game

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"This sucks," Cristina grumbled, complaining about the groups current situation. "Is there someone we can call?"

"Ghost Busters!" Mark exclaimed with a grin, sounding more like a child then a grown man. Derek started chuckling on cue.

Both Meredith and Cristina exchanged confused glances before glaring at the attending's before them. This was no laughing matter, especially when they could have been drinking had they not of stumbled into this.

"This isn't a time to be joking around you morons! We need to get out of here," Addison snarled. The glare she sent both men shut up their laughter immediately. She wasn't one for small space, in-fact she hated them. The stuffy elevator was taking its tole on her patiences.

"I'll call Richard," Callie offered, pulling out her cellphone. A few seconds later he answered. "Hey Richard, it's Torres... I'm great-uh kinda stuck at the moment... Well, the elevator stopped... We tried... We tried that too... We're probably stuck between floors... In here I've got Sloan, Shepherd, Montgomery, Robbins, O'Malley, Stevens, Karev, Yang, and Grey." The Latina paused for a moment while Richard figured out how long it would be.

"Hours! What do you mean!?" She cried into the phone. "... Okay, call me if anything changes... Bye."

Most the group had understood the idea of what had been said, but the Latina explained anyways.

"It's going to be a while because of the holiday, they can't get here right away," Callie sighed.


Small conversation passed through the enclosed space for a while, though by the time the first hour rolled by, everyone was was on the brink of insanity.

Unlike Miss Sunshine giggling in the corner with George, Cristina had no interest pretending this could be a good thing. She'd much rather be spending her Labor Day drinking, lots of drinking. Though her opinion took an interesting turn as a fun childhood game came to mind.

"We should play a game," Cristina offered. Everyone sat up slightly at the mention of doing something other then staring off into space.

"What game are you suggesting, Yang?" Mark questioned, eyeing the raven haired intern suspiciously.

"Truth or Dare."

Scoffs rang out through the elevator, though Cristina quickly recovered, completely unfazed. "I'm sorry, did you all have something better to do?"

"I'll play," a redhead called from beside Cristina, earning numerous surprised glances. "What? I'm bored and this could be fun," Addison finished with mischief crossing her tone.

"I'll play," both Alex and Mark agreed immediately after.

Numerous agreements followed.

"I'll go first," Mark cooed, searching the room with a new found interest. "Meredith, Truth or Dare?"

Surprised the attending referred to her in such an informal way, Meredith sat up and quickly answered, "Truth."

"Alright, how old were you your first time?" A questioning glance from Meredith made him add, "You know? When you first had—."

"—Mark, that's—" Derek started, shooting his friend a threatening glare, Meredith quickly cut him off.

"Sophomore year, I was fifteen."

Eyes widened at the reality of the interns answer, though her honesty only brought the friendly game to another level, just as Mark had been hoping.

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