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I tried to tell Donnie that it was a girls night, but he hung up too fast

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I tried to tell Donnie that it was a girls night, but he hung up too fast. I hung up the phone and went back to where my friends were sitting.

"Who was that?" Jenna asked.

"That was Donnie. He said that they're coming over."

"Why would they come over? Did you tell him that it's a girls night?" Sierra asked.

"I tried to tell him that it's a girls night, but he hung up too fast."

Right when I said that, Mya freaked out.

"Oh no! They can't come over now. Why would they come over right when I put my face mask on?! I can't have Joey see me like this! He'll think I'm a freak."

Oh yeah, I forgot to say that she has a MAJOR CRUSH on Joey. She's had a crush on him since 8th grade and now it's senior year and nobody else besides me and my friends knows that, not even Joey's band mates knows about it.

"He won't think you're a freak." I said to try to calm her down.

"How do you know that?" Mya asked.

"Because if he does say that, then I will personally beat his ass for you." Sierra stated, which made Mya laugh.

"Thanks for that."

Right when we were getting our movies ready for tonight, there was a knock on the door and Jenna went to go answer it.

"Hey guys, what are you doing here?"

"We were bored so we decided to come over and hang out with you guys." Jordan said while walking inside the house with the others.

"Okay but, why couldn't you go anywhere else instead of here?" Sierra asked.

"There's no other place we wanted to go to." Joey stated while sitting next to Mya.

"Why do you have green stuff all over your face?" Joey asked, and I wish he didn't have to bring it up.

"I told you guys he would think I'm a freak!" Mya got up and walked off to the kitchen with Joey following right behind her.

"Why is she-"

"Don't ask." Jenna, Sierra and I said together.


We decided to watch "Halloween" because Donnie and Sierra both thought it would bring Joey and Mya closer together on the couch they were sitting on, which it did for a while. The only problem was that she was still a little mad at him from what he said.

While I was watching the movie, Danny wrapped his arm around me and started talking to me.

"Do you want to go on a walk?"

"To the park?"


"Okay, sure."

We always go to the park by my house to be alone and talk. Before we left, I told Jenna if our mom and dad came home that I went to the park with Danny. My parents knew him since his dad is friends with my dad, so they were cool with me hanging out with him.

While we were walking to the park, I noticed he wasn't acting like himself. He usually tries to be funny, but now it's different.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

"You don't seem like yourself."

"Are you mad at me?" He asked me all of a sudden, which made us stop walking.

"Why would I be mad at you? You didn't do anything wrong."

"Are you mad at me for going on tour?"

"No, like I said, why would I be mad at you?"

"You didn't talk to me as much as before I told you, so I though you were mad at me."

"I'm sorry for not talking to you."

"Why did you stop talking to me?"

"My friends were upset about you guys going on tour, so I had to help them out."

"Are you upset that I'm going?" He asked while grabbing my hand.

"Not as much as my friends."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because I know when you're done with touring, you'll be back to hanging out with your favorite person."

"Whose that, my mom?" He asked sarcastically, which caused me to slap his arm.

"I meant your best friend."

"Donnie?" He joked.

"Me, duh!"

"I'll miss you while I'm gone on tour."

"I'll miss you too. It's not gonna be the same without you around." I said almost tearing up, since they leave Sunday and it's Friday night now.

"Don't cry, sunshine. You know I'll be back before you even know it." He said while hugging me.

"I'm trying not to. If I do, Jenna would yell at me for ruining my makeup."

"Hehe, she won't have to yell at you at all."

"Why is that?" I asked confused.

"We're gonna play on the swings!" He yelled grabbing my hand making me run towards them. I had to laugh because he's making us look like idiots.

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