▪ A little coffee ▪

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Word count: 1098

     It was a cold day and for the first time, it was snowing. The usual green leaves on all the trees have fallen and were now buried under the dense snow that covered the ground. The sun was out, no clouds in the sky, but it didn't seem to be warming up anything.
     Many people would rather stay inside their houses, instead of actually going out, but not Jin. He liked going to his favorite coffee shop, drinking his daily cup of black coffee, with honey instead of sugar, so here he was, doing exactly that, staring out a grid window that sat beside him. 
     Off in the distance, but not to far away, he could see a newly-built park near a lake he loved to go to from time to time. The thing is, he wasn't just looking at the new park, he was looking at the beautiful, baby blue haired boy that sat on a black bench, near a great, big tree.
     Jin had seen the boy, in the same place, everyday for the past two weeks and today, he was going to go talk to him. He lifted himself from the burgundy, leather seat and threw three dollars onto the table. 
     The chiming of the doors rang through his ears as he stepped into the cold environment, breathing in the clean air, the caramel aroma of the coffee shop mixing in as well.
     Jin glanced around looking at all of the people rushing about like they had somewhere to go, while making his way to the boy. His shoes clicked against the concrete in excitement, waiting to finally approach the boy he had been dying to talk to.
    Preschool colored objects that stood tall emerged into his view, he was finally there. To Jin, it seemed as if it took him hours to reach the park but in reality, it was only five minutes. 
     When he actually went up to the bench he stood there for a moment, suddenly losing a little of his confidence. Even though he had already somewhat approached the boy, he was debating whether or not he should say something.
     The boy that was sitting quietly on the bench, was entranced by a book. The title was in clear view, because of the way the boy was holding it, and the words spelled out 'Alice in Wonderland'. It seemed to be one of the blue haired boy's favorite books. His eyes were filled with excitement and amazement and his eyes quickly danced across the pages. It was as if he was attached to it, like a child was attached to their favorite blanket. For all Jin knew, he probably had one by the looks of him but, we're not gonna judge a book by it's cover. (A/N *winks* get it...cause he's reading a book...I'll go now.)
     "Um..Hello." Jin let out a nervous speech after what felt like ages. The boy looked up from his book and smiled at Jin. To him, the boy was glowing like he just won a Grammy Award. 
    "Why hello sir!" The blue haired boy put his book to the side and stood abruptly, holding his hand up to greet the older. "What's your name?" The boy beamed waiting patiently for Jin to shake his hand. To say Jin was surprised was an understatement. The boy carried far more confidence than Jin has ever had in his life and he, excluding this very moment, was usually an overly confident person. 
     "My name's Seokjin." The older said while gripping the boy's hand, bringing it up then down in one quick moment. The younger boy's small hand fit perfectly with Jin's bigger one. It was soft and warm, the feeling of his hand reminded him of soft bread that was just pulled out of the oven, or at least that what it reminded Jin of. "What's yours?" The older quickly removed his hands from the smaller's grasp before he noticed how clammy the golden haired boy's hand was.
      "My name is Kim Namjoon and my my, you have a beautiful name." The younger complimented the oldest name while extending the word beautiful. Jin laughed at how extra the boy was being. The words 'my my' used together in a sentence reminded him of the old shows he would sit and watch with his mother, after she got back from long hours of work. Jin always cherished those moments the most. He barely ever got to see his mother as she was always working. She would leave for work two hours before the sun rose and get back home when the sun had already set, everyday. Even on the weekends and sometimes the holidays, which Jin thought was the least bit of fair. But no matter how tired she was, she would never miss the only moment she had to spend time with her son and watch the shows she used to watch with her mother. Those were the good days.
     Jin was cut from his flashbacks by a small hand waving in his face. He looked down to see the boy standing on his tiptoes, still waving his hand. "Uhm...Are you okay Mister Seokjin?" Jin scrunched his face up in fake disgust when he was called Mister causing Namjoon to giggle. 
     "Oh don't call me such a thing, you can call me anything you want to other than that. It makes me feel old and I'm only 21." Namjoon couldn't help but break into a fit of laughter. To him, Jin was the funniest person in the whole wide world.
     "That is old, hyung." Namjoon had to sit back on the bench due to his weakening legs from laughter. He was now holding his stomach, wiping the nonexistent tears from his eyes dramatically.
     "I can inform you that- wait hyung?" Jin tilted his head in confusion, just now realizing what the boy had called him.
     "Yes, hyung. You're older than me by this many years." Namjoon said childishly holding three fingers up to the older's face, close but not close enough to invade his personal space.
     "Oh~" Jin nodded his head, putting two fingers on his chin skin. "So you're 18 years old? You must still be in highschool then or did you graduate already?"
     "I graduated decades ago. I actually just finished college. You should see my room, I have a lot of awards and stuff. Sometimes..." Namjoon trailed off while leaning closer to Jin, whispering so no one but the two could hear. "I think my stuffies get jealous too, don't tell them I told you though."


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