▪ preparation ▪

525 30 10

     Jin woke up the next day with a smile on his face. He was so excited for what he had planned today. He already knew that the day was going to be perfect because of the fact that the sun was finally out and the sky was clear. He never really understood the weather. One day it would be cold and be snowing the next it would be warm and the sun was shining brighter than ever. 

 He lifted himself out of the bed and walked over to his full-length mirror, and stared at himself. 

Unlike other people, Jin never really thought he looked bad in the morning. He liked to think of himself as one of those Disney characters that woke up looking like a million bucks. Yes, his self-confidence was that high. 

After a hum of satisfaction, he went over to his bathroom to freshen up. Usually, during times like this, he would be thinking. Whether that be about some work he had to finish, to what he was gonna make for breakfast.

But today, he was thinking about Namjoon, not like he hasn't been thinking about him before.

I know you may be wondering, as Seokjin is too, how did his relationship with Namjoon get so comfortable that fast? The world may never know. 

It's probably because of there extrovert personalities. Yeah, that explains it.

Once Jin finished with his morning routine, he carried himself over to the kitchen only to find his roommate, Yoongi, sitting on the floor in front of the refrigerator with the door wide open.

"When did you come in and what are you doing?" Jin asked as he crossed his arms and leaned against one of the kitchen counters.

"Around two hours ago and what does it look like, I'm eating," Yoongi replied reaching inside of the fridge, pulling out a fruit bowl, and eating it with his fingers. 

Jin just shook his head and walked over to him, snatching the bowl out of his hands. Yoongi let out a whine of protest, which Jin ignored.

"Hey! Give it back." Yoongi's loud voice echoed throughout the house. 

"Get some chopsticks and come sit at the table, like a well-mannered human being, instead of taking up the little space we have in the kitchen," Jin said as he placed the fruit bowl on the table.

"Whatever, you're annoying." Yoongi pouted, crossing his arms, while he stomped over to the dark brown table and sat down. 

"And you're being childish." Jin rolled his eyes as he turned around to make his way back into the kitchen.

He thought about what he was gonna make himself before clicking his fingers together with an idea. Strawberry pancakes. 

After thirty minutes, he was done making the pancakes, along with some sausage, and eggs. Of course, he could never skip breakfast without a nice cup of black tea so he spent an extra five minutes preparing that, then sat at the table to enjoy his food. 

"Mm~ Whatcha got there hyung?" Yoongi inhaled the smell, moving closer to Jin. 

"Something that isn't for you. Back away before I slap you." Jin said sternly.

Yoongi scoffed, "I didn't want any of that anyway." With that, he marched back into the living room. 

'I wonder what's up with him,' Jin thought to himself. 

Once he was finished eating, he cleaned up after himself and went back upstairs. It took him about half an hour to figure out what he wanted to wear, which was a nice light blue button-up with black jeans. He tucked in the button up and tightened it with a plain black belt.  

"There." He said as he brushed off his top while looking into the mirror. 

"Just gotta text joonie now." He murmured softly while pulling out his phone.


Goodmorning Joonie <3 

Are you ready for today?


Good morning Jinie! 


I'm sorry but something came up and I can't hang out anymore :(

This made Jin frown deeply. He was so excited to hang out, now he had to cancel everything. He was also a bit worried.


Ah...that's okay


Thank you for understanding


I gotta go now


Bye Jinie!


Bye Joonie <3


What do you think came up?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2018 ⏰

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