Chapter 2 - Family

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The barrier shone, glimmering in the morning light. Each spike set into the ground sent a signal to the next until they completed the circuit. Energy went around and up, arching over the area. Under the ground, a similar power surged making a full orb. There would be no surprises at this meeting.

As the BMW appeared down the road from the barrier, a wave of energy suddenly engulfed it. A barrier of energy covered it, one that matched the dome barrier's energy signature exactly. The BMW continued forward, driving through the dome barrier as if it didn't exist. As it stopped on the other side within the dome barrier, the energy covering the BMW dissipated.

"Okay, I'm going to get a quick update, and then I'll come back, same as usual," Kara said opening a panel on the top of the car and grabbing her glasses from within. She snapped it closed with one hand and put on her glasses with the other. "I'll just be a few minutes. Any questions?"

Blue and green eyes stared back at her as the children's heads shook.

"Great," Kara said with a smile. "I love you all."

"Love you Mama," Liam said.

"We love you too Mama," Lori said.

Leaning toward her wife, Lena tugged on Kara's wrist, urging the other woman closer. "I love you, Kara. Thank you for today."

Though her brows pressed together displaying a look of uncertainty, Kara nodded and pressed a kiss to her wife's mouth. Quickly her lips curled into a smile, and she could feel that smile returned on Lena's full lips.

"Ugh, get a room," Lori said.

Turning to face her daughter, Lena pushed up one of her eyebrows with a touch of parental discipline, though the smile remained on her face. "Mind your own business, you."

"And on that note, I'll be back in a bit," Kara said as she exited the car.

The other SUV was maybe forty feet away. Though Kara could have cleared that distance in seconds, she strolled there at a normal human pace. Even with today's stress, the smile came to her face easily as she looked at the people standing near the vehicle. As she got closer, people looked at her, smiling in return and waving slightly. Her sister walked up, greeting her first.

"Hey, how you doing?" Kara asked, enveloping her sister in a hug.

"Great, just great," Alex replied, squeezing Kara fiercely as she knew she couldn't hurt her sister. "We missed you last weekend."

Kara laughed, giving her sister one final squeeze before stepping back. "You mean the twins missed Lori and Liam."

"No, well, yes, but I also missed my little sister. The cousins always miss each other," Alex agreed with a broad smile. "You all enjoy your vacation?"

"It was nice to get away for the weekend," Kara agreed as she fiddled a bit with her glasses. "I appreciate J'onn and M'gann covering for me. Hey, is that a new gray hair?" Kara asked, playing with some of her sister's strands.

"Leave off!" Alex slapped Kara's hand away, making the blonde laugh. "Damn Kryptonian DNA. You could at least dye a few of them gray for us one day, you know. You should look like you're getting older, right?" When Kara just grinned, Alex asked, "How's Lena feeling?"

"Fine, she says she..." As the other two people approached from the front of the SUV, one proceeding the other, Kara's smile grew. "Hey!"

"Hey SL," Maggie said, throwing her arms around Kara and squeezing. "We missed you last weekend."

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