Chapter 9

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Ventus awakened once again, filled of emotion, and a sense of glory, freeing the world of one emissary is one of a big deal
-Perhaps we can truly achieve what anyone else has, maybe i can actually destroy Eldran and get everyone out of his clutches
-Zane: is everything okay bro?
-Yeah, everything is fine!
-Jared: some people try to sleep guys!
-Please, i woke up two hours ago, but talking seriously, i think we should leave the Arcs...
-Zane: now i don't know where your mind is, i can't maintain your crazy plans, i have to keep acting as a reaper so the emperor doesnt find out!
Jared: what would we do on the streets Ventus? Where would we go?
-Zane: yeah, little shy kiddo is right, where would we go?
-Anywhere, do you think you could get a house for Jared and me?"
-Zane: maybe i can arrange something for you two, just don't know about your little girlfriend...
-oh yeah she
-Jared: dude just tell her
-come on, she is dying for me!
ZANE: yeah dying to get you out of her way...
Zack: Ventus! Little fricky kid! Come down here!
Both went downstairs and found Zack talking to Slein.
-Zack: we need you two to make something quick, as i can see you aren't the most trustworthy people in the world, that's why Slein will join you, try something and you will have a gravitational field on your backs.
-Ventus: what do you want?
-Zack; it's jean, he got in trouble with the wrong people
-Ventus: you do realize that guy wants to fuck me right?
-You know i dont care right? Just go! And dont you dare fight against the reapers of that zone, you hear me? You'll be going to the great New York City.

Ventus, Jared and Slein went together to the great or i should say worthless New York city, the city is completely desolate, only metro is operating and taking everyone to work, odd...
-Now this is a ghost town, what happened to that Jean?
-He went to a club for people like him, but instead he took it as an insult and he is just drinking and trying to fuck anyone, either women or men...
-It would be better if I don't go in there...
-Don't be homophobic, if we don't help him, Sun will burn us down!
-Sun? Who is that?
???: no one but the ruler, the reaper of this city!
Ventus: who said that?
Declan: call me Declan, and if you want some information on how to even  survive, catch me, if you can!

A weird chasing game began, the mysterious voice of Declan could have come from anywhere and this game was brutally dangerous because of multiple shots that came out of nowhere in the abandoned buildings
-He can clone himself?!
-Jared: there's only one way to find out!

While Jared and Slein attacked the buildings, Ventus used his eterum eye to detect Declan and managed to track down his voice, he didn't had multiplication powers, only a really good aim. Ventus tracked him in the back of an alley and grabbed his arm.
-Gotch you!
Pointing him with his glove, Ventus took Declan's hood away, but all he saw was an innocent 14 year old who was stealing some food he found on a bag

-Declan: well you caught what?
-Ventus: you will keep your half of the deal, but in private.

Declan took Ventus to a roof in an abandoned neighborhood that had a bed (and with bed i mean a couch, a small pillow of shirts and a shotgun.
-Sorry if i dont have caviar and shrimp to offer but
-Dont worry, i am humble, what happened here? I always heard that this was a beautiful and iluminated city!
-That must have been a long time ago...before Eldran and his troops arrived...
-Tell me more!
-14 years ago, emissaries came to the Earth right? Eldran, the Emperor, Shyrah, Vladimir, Cesar and Flam. They rule this place, but there are also Reapers and abysmal soldiers. The war consumed human beings and forced the emperor to kill many. Even his own species, many magicians that didn't go to his side were persecuted and killed, one group resisted... the Order, a group of powerful magicians that don't believe in the emperor, they protect New York city from the empire as long as humans keep order and organization and complete anonymity from the outside world
-Wait wait, before you continue, Eldran isn't the Emperor?
-Nope, Eldran is just the governor of the Earth
-And what about this emperor?
-Well legends and people say he dissapeared, nope, i am sure he is still alive out there, hiding in the shadows, weaker...Sadao made sure of that 14 years ago
-He is---wait...someone's hearing our conversation...

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