Chapter 26

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Ventus returned back home safe and sound. James was back in his world doing the right thing to do. Cesar was weakened, but the rebellion cannot enter his pyramid until the defenses at Germany have fallen.
The sun reactor in Germany was with double security this time- said Jirou- me as the commander of the silent troops, i suggest we move fast, perform a simple and planified operation, Cesar is recovering his strenght back at Egypt.
Akihiko: and where is the reactor?
Jirou: the last defenses of the barrier are here, in the the Darkened Cave...
Akihiko: I've been there before... it is a dangerous place... a place that requires very specific magical talents...Ventus! You're by far the most generic magician between all of us, but you'll need to be cautious, take Jirou with you...
Jirou: who? This loser? Come on, you gotta be serious! I don't want to take care of a kid!
Izanagi: in that case I'll go with you, my sister wants me to protect him
Ventus: (great, the two persons that hate me most) okay, okay calm down, let us not lose our head. So this darkened cave is vigilated by magical obstacles, and in the end we will get to the reactor?
Akihiko: yes, but be careful, we don't know what could be guarding this time... i wish you the best of luck
Jirou: let's hope that peace follows us.

The 3 took the jet and flew to the distant Germany, which was a very luxurious place, unfortunately it was part of Cesar's dominion so, it wasn't that great... there were white beautiful buildings around, and the people were calm around here, but because 60% of the population was wealthy and rich.
In the limits of town there was a storm, and a desert and in the limit, the entrance to Darkened Cave... but then, in the middle of the silence, Jirou listened to a baby crying...
-Jirou: did anyone listen to that?
-Ventus: to what?
-Jirou: a crying child!
-Izanagi: no man, we haven't heard any...
Jirou didn't listen and just went across the dessert...

14 years ago, when the war had started, Jirou lived with his father and little brother, his mother  divorced and left the children with their father, Jirou was only 7, but he always looked out for the baby when the war was on track...

Jirou: it wasn't real...
Ventus: you sure run fast man...
Izanagi: now, what just happened?
Jirou: i think we are at the cave...

But as they reached the cave, both abysmal soldiers and humunculus started to emerge from the floor... the boys were surrounded by hundreds of them...

One day when Jirou was taking care of his little brother, his father vanished... simply vanished, and instead of his father, Eldran payed a visit... he kicked Jirou in the face and stole the child... and surrounded by hundreds of abysmal soldiers, Jirou was enslaved...

The troops arrested the boys and took them to Zack, who was in the cave as well, apparently he was the guard of it, but he had no magic to access the cave, so he forced Ventus to open the 9 gates and obstacles...
-Zack: thank you kindly
-Ventus: aren't you a terrorist?
-Zack: and i am also part of the villain's court, Once i destroy Shirah, destroy you, The hermit emissary will teach me dark magic, and i won't need to be a terrorist again...
Izanagi: you wont get away with this!
Zack: i already have, soldiers take them to the chamber, I'll call out my master....
Ventus: oh hell no!
And with a blast, Ventus managed to reach his want and conjure a light shine, melting the soldiers and blinding Zack
-Ventus: run! Run! You must destroy the reactor! It is the only way!
-Jirou: i don't take orders from you!
-Izanagi: me neither!
-Ventus: why do you hate me so much?!
-Izanagi: i just think my sister deserves better!.
Ventus: who is better than me?

Jirou was enslaved by Eldran, promising to free his brother, but he never did, not until he could choose his brother or running away of the palace... in the end he chose running away...

Jirou: you know why i hate you? Because you remind me of him! Of my brother! I lost him and instead of staying to fight Eldran, i ran away and abandoned him! And when i see you... i see what he would have become
-Zack: how cute... now die!
Zack used a dark claw to cut Ventus's skin and left him hurting, Izanagi used his extreme force to launch Zack away from there, saving the boy with a crush on her little sister. And using his strength he destroyed the reactor, meanwhile, Jirou picked Ventus up and took him to the ship, crying the way along, Jirou locked himself in his cabin, the job was done, but a heart was hurten.
-Izanagi: i will drive, you two must talk...
-Ventus: Jirou...
-Jirou: i don't want to talk right nos
-Ventus: but you will, i heard what you said, you feel guilt for what happened to your brother, you feel that you couldn't protect him, that's called guilt, and even a magician like yourself could understand that. Look, that's why you hated me, you see your brother in me, but if we win this war, if you help me, we'll get to the bottom of this and free everyone, you will apologize to your little brother, and i am sure he will be glad to see you again!
-Jirou: thanks man, i will make sure that your return makes a better result, how is the wound?
-Ventus: better thanks to both of you, you see how surpassing your hatred, you could save the day, all i did was fight Zack; but you beated him, and you saved me, you both moved your hatred for the ones you love.
With a smile in their faces, the boys returned to the rebellion, now that the shield collapsed, it was time to square off against Cesar and free south Europe and Africa once and for all..
Ventus was thinking on the battle today, fighting their way through was the easy part, there was no challenge... something was wrong, like if they haven't done anything right....
-Cyber eye: sir? If you're thinking the same i do, we are in big trouble...
-Ventus: yes, we never went to Germany, this was arranged... Akihiko said that security was doubled but, there was a trap, Zack... and i felt a powerful magical aura...
-CY.E: you mean?
-Ventus: the hermit emissary... he wants me and Zack to fight again... but why? Why is Zack doing this? Why is that these guys at the rebellion, hide so many secrets? Whatever they are, i will hunt their internal demons and destroy them, that's why this rebellion isn't doing any good, that's why we are hiding in the groun, we are stuck in the past! I need to guide them out of their pain, and i am sure everyone has a story to tell, TEAM!
This time, it must be all together, James may be gone, but this group will keep its promise and will do this rebellion a better place, ARE YOU WITH ME?

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